Stupid Drivers

Sep 13, 2008 13:10

Apparently I've officially been driving long enough to get immensely pissed off at stupid drivers now.

I was on my way to Starbucks after dropping off some groceries at my grandmas, and I come to a red light, right? And to get to the Starbucks you have to make a right at this light. So of course, I 100% intend to do a right turn on red, but I always stall for a second to make sure I can turn safely. I make sure it's clear, so JUST as I'm about to turn, I see this fucking blueberry of a car pull out from behind me and make a right BEFORE me! I could have fucking hit her if I hadn't of waited literally half a fucking second more before turning! Fucking douchebag, seriously. It's not like she didn't see my turn signal on, she just assumed I was going to waste more of her precious time and not turn right on red. Well, I was. Good fucking job. I hope you got to work on time, bitch. Yeah, I was right behind her after that and she turned into Starbucks and parked. She works there. So I assume she was late.

Christ on a cracker.

But it's fine, because I have my Pumpkin Spice Latte. You'll make everything okay, won't you?


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