Over on the
M/M Romance Group on Goodreads, they're hosting a poll for Book of the Month.
Hearts Under Fire has been nominated!!!
How cool is that? And there are a metric ton of other books up for grabs. Their BOM process is a great source for To Be Read lists everywhere.
Want to see the lists? Vote? Comb the nominees for awesomeness?
And enjoy.
Oh... and if your itchy fingers are still dying to click things... Allow me humbly to provide options...
Go LIKE Hearts Under Fire on Amazon♠
Go LIKE Winter's Knight on Amazon♠
Go LIKE Shot in the Dark on Amazon♠
Various Goodreads Lists on which to vote for Winter's Knight♠
Various Goodreads Lists on which to vote for Hearts Under Fire♠
Various Goodreads Lists on which to vote for Shot in the Dark♠
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