G'lord... let's see... Updates... updates... I know I had something I wanted to...
There is new fanart uploaded on our
website done by Fluister and Demondreams!
"Deathwish," if you missed it, is a New Amsterdam side story featuring Clark and crew, and I just got it posted up over on Goodreads. You can read that
by clicking here.
In honor of cupcakes and kink, based on my latest poll, (over on Y!Gallery, wherein licking cupcakes and a flogger are winning for the next fun to be had) I give you:
Theseveryhappyandhornyimages! FOURTH!
*huff puff pant*
I have one short-ish (<6000 words) chapter of Lessons in Living done and in need of editing. I really, really would like to do the next one, too, as I feel it would advance the story more than the current one, which sort of... jumped up and bit me on the arse. Surprised me, in other words.
I have almost ten-fucking-thousand words of Nagato... Soubi... Itachi... Haku... Kimimaro... and Vaughn. *falls over* Yes. That's right. Orgy, people. I'm about 3/4 of the way done.
I have a synopsis to edit, a book to plot (my own, which also jumped up and bit me), a stack of research material to read, and a *)$#(&^ nap to take.
...and you know... stuff to finish.
In all likelihood, my two weeks off shall become three, affording me more time to putz about and write.
Thank you to those who've joined me in the random, sporadic wars I've been hosting.
OH! And I'd love to do the reading thing wherein I debut LiL chapter(s) and "Blue Diamond" (the Nagato & company story). That is *entirely* dependent on schedules, my voice, and a bunch of other stuff, though. The desire is there, though, and all things willing and the creek don't rise... It'll happen.
Much love to everyone. I hope all's fantastic with you and yours.