hang your clothes on an alder limb...

Jul 17, 2010 13:11

Characters: Aya, Aureln, Myhrta
Location: The bathhouse
Time: Early morning around 7 or 8am.
Brief Summary: The fae have left you alone for a week. But with everyone beginning to feel uneasy, Aya's about to have his bath disturbed.
Rating: PG-15. Blood.

She moved without being seen, before the sun had risen fully. In the early hours of the morning, with the village still cast in shades of pale grey and blue, mist and light rain curtaining the streets, she'd come, slid from the thick reeds and soft mud of the river and half-crawled, half-dragged herself across the damp ground. Her naked belly was caked with dirt, but she did not seem to notice, or care. She slunk from shadow to shadow, digging long, steel-strong nails into the ground to pull herself along.

She had legs - long, spindly things that didn't quite look powerful enough to let someone stand on, to walk with. Perhaps that explained her movement. Her body was that of a human, certainly, but the limbs were too long, the skin mottled green and blue like deep, dark water, the long hair matted with water weeds. Or perhaps that was all she had for hair. Her eyes were huge and not unlike those of some primordial fish. She was stick-thin, bone strung with lean muscle.

It looked like she hadn't eaten in a long time. And that was true. She hadn't eaten nearly enough.

Jenny Greenteeth avoided a figure passing through the street and slipped into the warm steam of the bathhouse, where the water was deep and hot. Quite unlike her usual home, but she was hungry. She was very, very hungry.

The faery fell into the water, where she was sleek and graceful, and after a moment of relishing it, crouched down in the corner, as low as she could, where she would not be seen by any coming in. It was an easy thing to do, when one did not need to breathe beneath the water.

On the surface, her hair looked just like a shadow cast by the rim around the pool.

She waited.

warcraft: myhrta starshower (original), original: aya stephens, warcraft: aureln dawnstrike (original), !event: faery fear

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