Important NPCs
the guardian
Who or what the Guardian is will be something that can be gradually revealed as the game goes on. For now, he is simply a beneficial entity who seems as trapped as your character in some ways. Your character will find him in Demeleier’s Temple, of which he appears to be a caretaker.
Physically, he appears as a tall man with wild, dark hair and fine, pointed features. His eyes, lacking in pupil or sclera, are entirely black. He can often be seen wearing a crown of twisted rowan on his brow. Often, but not always, he can be seen draped in chains of thick iron. A large stone is attached to a slender black chain around his throat; this stone pulses and throbs with a soft, inner glow.
As the Guardian is one of the ‘god’ characters of Demeleier, residents can ask him for help at times. He will usually give it for a price, which often seems to be asking the resident to find one of the shards of crystal. Sometimes, but not often, he will be the cause of various events in the game.
It should be noted that the Guardian, while the beneficial ‘god’ in the game, is not always kindly. He has his own agendas and his own goals. While he shows a certain amount of care for residents of Demeleier, he is not above doing them harm or keeping them in the dark about certain things - especially if they refer to himself.
The Guardian can be killed during the course of the game, and will vanish for a period of twenty-four hours before returning, changed, to the Temple.
the merchants
There are five different merchants that may appear in the Wandering Shop (explained in the Locations post) at random. There are several different merchants that can appear inside the shop, along with a different interior design to match their individual tastes. They are willing to sell goods that a character can't find anywhere else in Demeleier at a hefty cost, or else send characters on little quests in exchange for money or items.
Fortune Teller - This woman will be seated in the center of the shop, covered from head to foot. A crystal ball will be on the table before her. Talk to her to get your fortune told; she might be cryptic, but eerily accurate (please discuss with the mods if there is anything you want her to reveal in particular). You can also receive a quest from her in exchange for items. If you complete this quest, she will give you a slip, tell you to exit and come back in, and present it to the merchant. If you oblige, you will be able to ask the next merchant for something free of charge. The shop will be dark, lighted with soft lamps, and a heady smell of incense will hang heavy in the air when she is here.
Fox - All yo' yens yip yip yip. This battle-scarred, bib-wearing animal stands at an indoor shrine, holding a plaque with a request scrawled onto it. If you ask her for anything, she will look pointedly at the shrine's collection box or try to force the plaque into your hands. Throw in a considerable amount of cash or carry out the request and she'll give you what you've asked for. And maybe a lick, too. The shop is bright, with sunlight streaming through the windows (even if it was dark when you entered) when the fox is here.
Happy Mask Salesman - A corner of the shop will be covered in masks of all shapes and sizes. The unsettling Mask Salesman will smile at your from behind the counter. Service with a smile, but you might hear some uncomfortable truths from this man. He doesn't sell lightly, and you may have to do something he asks to get his goods. The shop will be light and breezy when the Mask Salesman is there.
Merchant (Resident Evil 4) - Whaddaya buyin', stranger? This man will stand in one of the shop corners, behind a glass counter strewn with weapons, ammo, and healing supplies. A bit rough and ready, this totally-legal salesman might put off some of the more genteel residents. This man will accept cash for items, but might be quite expensive. The shop itself will be quite dark when this merchant is in.
Poe Collector - This strange, hooded figure will sit on the counter kicking his legs. All around him are stoppered jars filled with cold, flickering light. Give him a ghost, and he'll give you what you want. Or maybe you can strike a deal, if you notice all those bottles strewn around his feet... The shop will be dark, with the only light coming from a flickering scone and the captured ghosts around him.
the queen
The Queen is as she is titled. She is the ruler of the Fair Folk, and is just as whimsical, beautiful and deadly as her people. She serves as the game’s main antagonist.
Residents will come to regard the Queen with respect and perhaps a good helping of fear. She is extremely powerful, extremely interested in them, and extremely volatile. One moment she will croon her love for the residents, and the next she will be sending out curse after curse upon them in response to a slight only she appears to understand. The Queen is largely responsible for most of the events in the game, be they light and amusing, such as switching about the physical sex of the residents, or making them sing instead of speak - or dark and dangerous - like revealing deadly inner selves to the residents, or even choosing them as part of a ritual sacrifice.
Physically, the Queen changes her form near constantly. When speaking to your character, however she will often take on the form of an important woman in their life. The form will appear very similar, but oddly twisted - the teeth will be too sharp, the skin too unearthly, the hair too flyaway, etc - and oddly beautiful. She has an enchanting voice and powerful glamour, and can, if she so chooses, enchant a resident to become utterly enamoured of her.
It should be noted that while the Queen is Demeleier’s most powerful antagonist, she can also be a beneficial entity. She does not lie when she says she loves the residents. She will sometimes grant them wishes without asking for anything in return
She has a relationship with the Guardian, though the true nature of it will be something that players (and residents) will have to discover through the course of the game.
Unlike the Guardian, the Queen cannot be killed, and will retaliate to any attempts on her life with terrifying fury. She can be defeated, however, and also tricked by clever residents.
IMAGE the king of the mountain hall
The King of the Mountain Hall is impossibly tall and broad. He always wears a pair of antlers, thick and dark brown, and his hair is a tangled mess which hangs to his elbows. His eyes are yellow and unblinking, like a cat’s, and his smile is feral, predatory, and frankly filled with far too many teeth. He is often naked, though may wear hides and furs if the whim takes him. His bare skin may sport the same tattoos that the Sidhe wear - blue swirls, knots and designs - if he so desires it. He may be seen with various animal attributes - hands a feet akin to those of a wildcat, or the legs of a stag, the wings of a falcon - something of that nature.
He carries a ladle made of malachite, and he uses this to pour fresh water over the coals and wood in his throne room to make the steam erupt again. Three small topazes are set into the handle of this, in the same layout of the standing stones back in Demeleier. Etched into the handle of the green mineral is a white outline of a man with lines etched across him.
This King is wild but not necessarily evil. He does not hold any particular care in his heart for those who have been spirited away by the fae, but he means them no harm as such. However, he could easily decide that anyone who has come into his realm is free to be hunted and toyed with.
His eyes hold an expression which says "Perhaps you will be prey. Perhaps you won‘t be. The choice is not yours. It will change upon my whim" Looking directly into his eyes is not advised, as it will help him to get into your head and force you to believe what he wants you to. When he already has the advantage of strength, speed, magic and, not least, glamour, this is not something you wish him to do to you.
He is confined to the Mountain Halls, which can be reached through the stone circle known as 'The Long Man'.
IMAGE the red etin
Spending any time in the Etin’s Moor, but especially that of the castle, may result in an encounter with the Red Etin himself. A far cry from the hideous beast described by his servants, the Etin is an extremely beautiful man, with an almost feminine form. His red hair is long and falls in soft ringlets around a lovely oval face. His eyelashes are long and seem to flutter over his red eyes almost coquettishly. His nose is long and straight, his ears thin and pointed, and his mouth red and full. His skin is pale as the driven snow, and his form is willowy and elegant.
This is extremely incongruous with the gigantic red hammer he can be seen carrying, with a bloody garnet set in its hilt. It is at least six feet tall with a heavy hammerhead made out of dark red metal. When light ripples on it, it looks as though it is bathed in blood. It is with this hammer that the Etin creates his stone statues, and any trespassers in his realms can become part of his collection if they are not careful.
The Etin casts a shadow, that of a hulking, three-headed creature. It is believed that this is his true form, but very few have made him reveal it. He prefers to pose questions to any interlopers in exchange for their life than fight them. Philosophical discourse is his favourite weapon, or even simple puzzles and brainteasers. Fighting him in his true form is incredibly difficult, as he is extremely powerful.
He is confined to the Etin's Moor, which can be reaches via the Red Stones in Demeleier.
IMAGE the elfin king
Though the Meadow Glen is such a beautiful and tranquil place, it is not without its peril. An aspect of the Faery King lingers here, and he is not a gentle soul. He wears a fair form and is clad all in green - be it armour, robes, or even rags. His face is handsome, his stance straight as an arrow, his hair long and golden, and his eyes as hard and glinting as emeralds. He may be seen riding a white horse around the Meadow Glen, and his presence comes with a glamour so strong that anyone who looks at him will feel an incredible urge to follow him.
He sits every night at the stones table while the Sidhe and his thralls dance around him. A goblet hewn from emerald sits on the table before him, and is filled with heather ale. If anyone walks into his circle, he will offer to let them drink from this goblet, and if they do they will become one of his servants and be unable to leave the circle unless the spell on them is broken.
The Elfin King can be battled, but he is a skilled swordsman and his glamour is terribly strong, so leaving before he shows his face is possibly the best way to deal with the danger he poses.
He is confined to the Meadow Glen, which can be reached through the Drinkers in Demeleier.
IMAGE der erlkönig
"Ich liebe dich, mich reizt deine schöne Gestalt;
Und bist du nicht willig, so brauch ich Gewalt." -
"Mein Vater, mein Vater, jetzt faßt er mich an!
Erlkönig hat mir ein Leids getan!"
Der Erlkönig (or The Erlking) is a mighty king, clad in dark armour and with long, dark hair. His skin is milky white, his face handsome if mournful, and his eyes are deep and dark. He carried a shard of glass with him at all times.
If a sickness comes to Demeleier, der Erlkönig will come on a black horse to bear the person away. He will refuse to let them be healed, but will instead take freshly washed funeral shrouds and wrap the person in, not listening to protests. If anyone tries to take the sickly person off of him, he will cut them down ruthlessly with a dark sword. If an attempt is made to outrun him, he will give pursuit, calling to the sick person in a voice only they can hear about how his hall is fair and kind, and how deep his love for them runs.
However, der Erlkönig does not always come to bear away the sick. Sometimes he comes, dressed in black leather hunting gear, carrying a huge raven on his hawking glove and with baying hounds at his feet. The hunt will run for any living thing in Demeleier, and the only way to stop it is to hide within the kirk or the temple.
He has a love of birds and beautiful things, and may turn women from the village into birds and take them to his castle. He is not confined to the Towers, which can be reached through the Dancers, as other aspects of the Kings are bound to their areas.
IMAGE Visitors
black annis
A hateful old faery, when Black Annis comes calling, it might be for the best to wear your crown of rowan at all times.
She takes the form of a wizened crone, one eye black and bright, the other made of glinting glass. She is immensely strong with sharp tearing teeth, long black claws and a blue face. She hides in a giant oaks, and from this lofty perch she likes to leap out and eviscerate unwary travelers.
Although partial to all human flesh, she takes particular delight in eating young children, whom she flays alive. She will then hang these skins over the cave she seems to crawl out from, called Black Annis' Bower, as a warning.
Claiming clairvoyance, she will often offer advice, or rewards for doing good deeds around her bower. She likes to trap residents there, where after they have exhausted their use, she will try to eat them. A terror to residents, she curses and harms the residents with evil spells. To make her leave, she must be defeated and forced back through her cave.
IMAGE dullahan
The Dullahan is a hunter, lean and strong, who carries his head under his arm or held aloft while he rides. His head is rotted and yellowed, with two large black eyes that dart this way and that and a mouth set in a grin that literally touches his ears. An unearthly, sickly light shines from his head, giving him light wherever he goes. A necklace holding a small crystal is sewn into the skin of his rotted neck.
Gates are no block to Dullahan, and fly open if he rides close. He carries a whip made of a mortal's spine in his free hand. His horse's armour seems to be made out of bone and funeral garb, and a water skin on his saddle holds only blood. Look at him while he is walking his horse, and he will throw the blood in your face, or lash at your eyes with his whip.
Dullahan will walk his horse to the center of the town, whereupon he will shout the name of the person he is going to hunt. At that point, he will kick his horse to a charge and begin to chase down his prey. No iron will stop him, and a mere crown of rowan won't deter him. The kirk isn't out of bounds to him. He will chase you over running water, or across the loch. Nothing will put him off of his hunt, save perhaps throwing gold at him. He will rear up his horse if this happens and try to brush it off, seeming to find it abhorrent.
If there is no gold to hand, however, then your best bet would be to run for a circle of rowan trees and stay within that circle overnight. He cannot enter it, but will prowl outside, waiting for you to move even the slightest part out of the ring, whereupon he will catch you and drag you out. If you stay within until the break of the next morning, he will turn his horse away and ride into the mist, leaving his hunt for this time.
IMAGE jenny greenteeth
"Mother, may I go out to swim?"
"Yes, my darling daughter.
Hang your clothes on an alder limb
And don't go near the water."
If a mass of slimy water plants is suddenly found floating on the river, then Jenny has come calling.
Jenny Greenteeth is a water faery, with sharp, green teeth, hair like duckweed, slimy green skin and webbed toes and fingers. A bracelet with a gemstone rests upon her right wrist. Her grip is strong, nigh unbreakable, and her teeth can bite through rock. She does not lure people to the water's edge, but rather swims up and down the river, ready to lunge out to drag people too close under the water with her, where she will eat them.
Jenny seems aware of anyone coming close to it for any reason, and will, without fail, make her way right to the bank where the person will stand, and move under the water alongside them, choosing the right time to strike. Though she is loath to leave her river, she can and will get up and enter another large body of water.
Wearing the crown of rowan seems to befuddle her, but does not stop her. Wearing iron, however, will repel her instantly, and she will let her prey go the moment she sees it and scream in agony if it touches her skin.
IMAGE nuckelavee
When one thinks of a faery, what do they envision? At best, there is an idea of a guardian angel, occasionally mischievous but rarely harmful. At worst, the general belief is a malignant entity, surpassing mischief and causing damage, ranging to unspeakable harm. Of these examples, there are none viler than the Nuckelavee.
It will only assume a form when returning to shore. Sometimes the creature is equine, and sometimes it is humanoid. A favoured form, however, is a grotesque hybrid; a legless rider, joined to the back of a monstrous mount. The creature has no skin, leaving its muscles and veins exposed to the air. Blood flows in black runnels through its pulsating, writhing innards. The rider’s head is often large, lolling on either shoulder, as its pitiful neck cannot hold it upright. A single red eye glares in the gigantic head. A matching red eye rolls in the single socket of the mount’s head. The mount’s legs bear resemblance to a fish’s fins, whereas the rider’s arms are that of a man’s, though impossibly long and drag on the ground. Both mouths open to the throat, and are filled with rows upon rows of sharp, terrible teeth, one of which glimmers like a shining stone, and a stinking, fetid breath that strikes all living things with disease.
Its powers run as deep as its spite. Catastrophes of every sort can be blamed upon this malignant entity - droughts and storms were its strength. It would disease crops, create stillbirths, rot perfectly edible food, poison livestock, and hunt down and devour individuals.
Nuckelavee does not change its pace, continuing to move with an enxoerable patience, yet never seeming to be far behind those it chases. If its prey are within reach of its arms, it will raise them up and grasp their shoulder, very softly but insistently, and begin to tug them back. If it feels particularly cruel, it will breathe over the town, striking those within it with disease.
The only way to escape Nuckelavee is to cross running water, which it cannot do. When it turns away in frustration, it has given up hunting that particular prey.
IMAGE robin goodfellow
...that shrewd and knavish sprite
Call'd Robin Goodfellow: are not you he
That frights the maidens of the villagery;
Skim milk, and sometimes labour in the quern
And bootless make the breathless housewife churn;
And sometime make the drink to bear no barm;
Mislead night-wanderers, laughing at their harm?
Those that Hobgoblin call you and sweet Puck,
You do their work, and they shall have good luck:
Are not you he?
Robin Goodfellow, the 'Puck', is the most famous of hobgoblins. He is a trickster, a jester of the Faery Court. Call him 'Robin Goodfellow' and not 'Puck' when speaking of him, because to speak of the devil is to call his name. Puck quite likes to follow that as well, usually with mischief.
His trademark laugh is a 'Ho, ho, ho!' and when this is heard, it's obvious who's come to visit.
While he can be harmful, Robin Goodfellow can also be a helpful entity, sneaking into a house at night to do repairs or to finish work that needs doing. Scorn him in the slightest of ways, however, and he will lash out at these little helps with often malevolent hindrances.
His mischievous side ranges from petty little tricks to outright harm, often depending on how slighted he feels.
IMAGE tam lin, the elfin knight
"For onct when I'd a huntin' gone,
twas fray my horse I fell.
The Queen o' Faeries she caught me,
in yon green hill ta dwell."
Tam Lin is the young Elfin Knight, fairest of those spirited by the Fae Queen. He has worked for her, under her thrall, for many years. He does not tend to mean any harm to the residents, but as a servant of the Queen and her consorts, he will fight on their side and is a fearsome warrior. A romantic at heart, he will often be kind and gentle towards the residents of Demeleier, and will actually be a pleasant sight to see in the village.
He is also the only faery who has red blood.
IMAGE Art of the Queen and the four kings drawn by