Most of you probably know that my family has lost all five of our cats in the last year, four of them in a housefire in January. We'd been hoping we could get another cat for some time, when our pastor put us in touch with another member of our church. Jerry had three cats that he loved dearly, but he was engaged and his fiancee is terribly allergic to cats. He had been looking for a home for them, but nobody wanted to take three cats, and he didn't want to split them up. We talked it over, and it turns out that they were a pretty good fit for us. They're indoor cats. All three of them are girls, and they've all been spayed and declawed (not a big fan of the declawing, but they came that way. Can't exactly put them back). They have kind of dumb names, but the youngest is 4, so it's a little late to change them. Mama, is the oldest of his cats at about six. She's a blue-cream tortie. Jerry is about 5, and she is unrelated to the other two. Her previous owner bought her for his girlfriend who turned out to be allergic. Jerry is grey striped with white paws, some on the chest, and around her mouth. George is the youngest. She is mama's kitten, and is about 4 years old. She's a tortie, and may be part manx. At least one kitten from the litter had a stumpy tail, and she has the build of a manx (big and square with longer back legs than front legs, and a proportionately large head).
Mama is the sweetest girl. She came right out and wanted to be loved when we brought her home. I think she would have preferred it if we'd brought her home and left the others there, though. She's always hissing at Jerry and George. Jerry came out the second day, and is fairly affectionate. She doesn't much like to be held, but she likes to sit next to you, or even on your lap and be loved. She's also very playful. George stayed hidden for an entire week before she came out, but she's gotten pretty social since. She really really doesn't like to be held, and doesn't even like to sit on a lap. She is quite demanding though. She'll walk up and meow to be pet. She is the most playful of the kitties, and she's a little thief. She's alway stealing pens and the like from my desk. The other day she was walking through the house with a screwdriver in her mouth. They're all adorable, and I'm glad we have them.
Pictures behind
Mama in profile
Aaaahhh! Where are her ears?
Sleeping Mama
Isn't she sweet?
Mama's still sleeping
Cute girl, asleep in the window.
And a closeup
I think she has the prettiest little face.
From another angle
Still sleeping. This is one of her favorite places.
Squished kitty
I'm pretty sure this is dad nearly sitting on the cat.
Attack Kitty
Mama isn't happy!
I don't think she likes that pillow.
I think she's just barely awake here.
A little blurry, but I don't have that many good pictures of her.
Is it just me, or does she look really annoyed except for when she's sleeping?
She's an inquisitive little girl.
Jerry's favorite place.
She loves sleeping on this pillow.
Isn't she cute?
I think she's the prettiest of our new kitties.
George in the window
Look how she's hanging off the shelf. I think that's kind of hilarious.
Pretty girl in the window
I just love the orange spot on her face.