Oct 05, 2009 01:10
I've got another round of recs ready to go. I'll post them tomorrow, promise.
Today, I had much more important things to do. Yesterday afternoon, my niece, Ashley, gave birth to her third child. It's the third girl. Her name is Kylah. For those who've just missed all of the half a million mentions I've made of her big sisters. Jayda is five, bossy, incredibly smart, and the most gorgeous child I've ever laid eyes on. Haley is fearless, gleefully ornery, and adorably cute. It's a little soon to say what Kylah's personality will be like, but she is a lovely baby. At nearly double my birth weight (granted a very underweight 4lbs 8oz), she's still the smallest of Ashley's babies at about 8 1/2 pounds.
We're very pleased at her arrival, but a little concerned about her at the moment. She has a heart issue, which based on my brother's description of what the doctor told him (Mom or I really should be in the room whenever anyone else in the family has a medical issue, my family is so clueless) we're guessing is a PDA (patent ductus arteriosis) which is basically a whole in the heart. My sister had one that required surgery, but they aren't uncommon, and it is usually fixable with medication alone. They've given her the meds, and we should know if it works in a day or two. She also had very low blood sugar when she was born, and she's not been terribly quick about the eating thing. All that said, her docs apparently said they expect her home within the week. We have a few pictures, and I'll really try to post them tomorrow along with some of my other beautiful girls.
I spent most of the day yesterday, and a good chunk of today watching Jayda and Haley. I'm not sure they really get what's going on, but they seem happy enough, and they did see a picture of the new baby. They both have a little bit of a cold, and Kylah is in NICU so they haven't actually been up to see her yet.
In other happy news, I am once again a cat owner. A friend from church had to give his three cats away because his fiancee is terribly allergic. He didn't want to split them up, and we could take all three so he gave them to us. I've got pictures of two of them, so maybe they'll go up in the baby post tomorrow. They are my babies after all. Mama is probably the oldest, we think about six. She's a blue-cream tortoiseshell. She's quite pretty, and easily the friendliest to people. She keeps growling at the other cats though. George (also a girl. We had no part in the naming) is probably the youngest at about 4. She is Mama's kitten, and she's a regular tortie and very beautiful. She tends to hide though. We've had them a little more than a week and just last night she finally came out and let us all pet her and see her in the light. Jerry (and again, we had no part in the naming of this girl cat) is between them in ages, and unrelated. She's a grey tabby with white around her nose and mouth, on her chest and feet. She's really cute, and very playful, but she keeps trying to steal the dog treats. She does not like her kitty treats.
They are all indoor cats. They were declawed and spayed before we got them. They're settling in to their new home pretty well, and the dogs like them a lot.
real life