Hetalia - drabble (10 May - 19 May) // promise me nothing

May 10, 2010 22:27

Fandom: Axis Powers: HETALIA
Title: - Memories - [stepping stones; monochrome; a lack thereof; 1000001 colours; smile; Re|set; me, myself, I; life size; unspoken; right here, right now]
Rating: PG
Characters / Pairings: [main] Greece/Japan, others may appear throughout
Summary: Count down the time we spent together; each and every moment is precious.
Dis/claimer: These are works of fanfiction, and is by no means an accurate depiction of nations, their relations or views.
A/N: Parts seventy-one to eighty. I'm just going to sit here and be metaphorically dead.

100 words a day; 365 moments to remember. This is who we are.

(stepping stones // Return)

The world continued to advance; it was an inevitable fact of life. But even if a place changed appearance, Japan always remembered what they had once been; a river, a field, trees attempting to reach the sky.

Still, even as buildings replaced them, there were certain areas that remained deeply engrained in their minds. Japan watched his people continue with their lives while, beside him, Greece observed a kitten’s paws as cats latched onto him. Maybe it was wrong of them to be skipping a meeting, but he decided that for today, at least, he would not worry about it.

(monochrome // Broken)

It had become a kind of pattern between them, to just sit and watch the days pass by. Greece’s visits were a rarity at best, but Japan did not seem to mind the occasional spontaneous arrival.

They rarely spoke of what had happened, how the war had ended and the price paid. Maybe one day they would find the strength, but to be together like this was all they sought for.

“One day,” Greece said, squeezing Japan’s hand. There was no need for elaboration, as the island nation returned the gesture and smiled, just slightly. It was all they needed.

(a lack thereof // Prepare)

“It’s a challenge, Japan; a challenge!” America claimed, selecting confirm onscreen. With a sigh, Japan watched as his guest button-mashed past the important scenes.

“You’re going to die during the first boss fight,” he said dryly, only to receive a grin in reply. It was clear that America had made his mind, and Japan turned to his second guest, in hope of support.

Greece smiled apologetically, reminding the island nation that such pastimes were not his forte, while the cats latched onto him. With no leverage, Japan shook his head; “Please refrain from complaining when you do die then, America-san.”

(1000001 colours // Suppose)

Greece watched the rain as Japan huddled under the meagre shelter, cats clambering about. His voice easily broke the silence between them; “If you realised it was your final day here, how would you spend it?”

“I’d watch it with my people, in the end,” Greece replied slowly, “But before that… contact everyone one last time. And you?”

“I… would attempt to make peace, truly speak my mind… and then remain with my people.”

At the sound of meowing, Greece turned as Japan approached him. The island nation grasped his hand without a word, and they watched the rain together.

(smile // Let)

Even as he looped the final crane alongside the rest, Japan could not help but be conscious of the weight pressed against his side. Greece had drifted off, only a minute after he had placed the paper crane on the table, the sense of accomplishment almost palpable.

The weight was nearly suffocating in a way, while Greece used him as an impromptu pillow, and yet Japan could not bring himself to pull away. He had no idea as to why, but did not mind it particularly, even as the early trill of birdsong began to fill the air.

One thousand.

(Re|set // Intern)

What was life without freedom? What was freedom without life?

They would have nothing. Greece thought, remembering days long gone; what life had been like, while the pain never truly left.

But in that same manner, freedom gave and took so much. People loved and hated, judged and were judged, and it could hurt. That was why he did not mind that Japan was very low-key in what they were, what they now had.

They were not human, but that meant nothing; he would not allow it to change who he was, though, because that would mean surrendering once more.

(me, myself, I // Leaf)

Setting the pen down, Japan reached for one of the books stacked around him. There was an urge to finish for the day, but Japan shook his head and rifled through the dictionary.

He could hear people outside, beyond the library walls (voices merging with one another). Setting the dictionary aside, Japan closed his eyes, rubbing them slowly even as he heard footsteps.

Opening one eye, he watched as Greece took a seat and reached for the notes scattered about. Humming thoughtfully, he glanced back up so that their eyes met.

“You don’t have to do this alone, you know.”

(life size // Cloth)

The fabric between his fingers was not rough, but it was not completely smooth either; just another brand Greece could not recall. Before him, Japan frowned slightly, then sighed as he sat down, waving a hand, “You can take it off now.”

Greece was happy to comply, while the occasional pin jabbed into skin, before handing it over. Picking up a stray button, he rolled it around even as Japan offered him tea.

They did not speak, instead taking the time to watch as Greece’s cats wandered about, others seated by the koi pond, while they lived their lives unrestricted.

(unspoken // Thread)

The thread may stretch or tangle-

Greece watched the small smile on Japan’s face fade slightly, before they turned to look at the sky. Allowing his hand to curl around the red string, he was conscious of the fact that they were still tied together.

It was a weak connection at best, Greece knew, and Japan’s words had confirmed it. Beside him, the island nation untangled the kitten between them; there was warmth in his expression, present even as he tugged lightly at the excess string. It was permission enough, and Greece grasped Japan’s hand.

-but it will never break.

*Continuation of this piece. Whoooo

(right here, right now // Needle)

Curled up at one end of the couch, Japan watched the scenery before him with half-lidded eyes; cats moved about, while the occasional crackle of static from the radio filled his ears.

It was warm, as Greece settled himself on the couch; as another song was introduced, Japan twisted a little from his position. His host did not seem to notice, as he repaired the toy mouse in his hands (Japan wondered if the other nation did such things often).

Shrugging the thought away, he buried himself deeper in the warmth, and allowed the tension to ease away into sleep.

[part 61 - 70] // part 71 - 80 // [part 81 - 90]

!fanfiction, title: memories, *drabble_a_day, series: axis powers hetalia

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