The Angel Chronicles: A world of LOLZ

Nov 24, 2010 12:46


"Can everyone notice how much fire I'm not on?"


Oh Angel!!!  Angel in the sun!!!  Angel looking in mirrors!!!  THAT GUY WITH THE DANCING!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG

This is just what the doctor ordered (yes, I'm still ill).


Favourite Quotes:

- "Looks like there's some brances over there in that patch of sun.  I'LL GET THEM!!!!!"  *bounds off*
- *looking at his hair* "has it always been like this?"
- " wire hair cos, you know, that's leather..."
- "and then I cut off the Evil Lawyer Beast's hand BAM!  And then I left."
- "Do I just have cumshuck me written all over me?!"  (lol Cordy and pretty muscley man).

Hmm... kinda shipping Angel/Fred...

If Doyle had still been in the show... would Doyle have been Princess? :D



PS: And the only mummy issue turns out to be about a VERY MALE LOOKING MOTHER.  Lol Joss.  Lol.


princes cordelia rules the world, angel doesn't dance, queen c, ats, angel isn't on fire, angel is dorky hunky love, loltimes

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