Whedon 20in20 Entries

Aug 13, 2010 13:44

The title pretty much says it all!  Really pleased with these entries, so I hope you guys like them.  :D



Here y'are!

THEMESHushThe Gray HourBad GirlsNot the HammerDamage

 Objects in SpaceThree FlowersThe MessageE.L.O.E.Heartthrob

CATEGORY - I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOUXander/AnyaTopher/BennettBennett/CarolineWillow/OzBuffy/Spike

ARTIST'S CHOICE: The Comicverse12345


~all icons snurchable~comments and credit are love~
~textures thanks to miss_snoopystagesixvienna_bloodzehava~

Other Buffy art posts...


Other Whedon art posts...


My previous Whedon20in20 entries...

And a meta and a fanmix (my first - would really appreciate comments!).


otp: topher/bennett, oz is epic, meta rambles, shipper heaven, whedon, i love whedon comics, spike rocks my socks, 20in20s, dr horrible, otp: oz/willow, otp: bennett/caroline, itotallymetfrankranzandwon'tstopboasting, dollhouse, artish, fanmixes, river is my hero, anya rules this school, buffy is a bamf, firefly

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