Just another bored-at-work post :D Btw, I have posted those icons I'd been promising for about a month! They're in the post before this one, if anyone missed them. cos only 2 people commented... :P
general Buffy-related ramblings and ship sobbing through here... )
I think that fundamentally from the very beginning, Xander has a real problem with distinguishing between Angel & Angelus. For us viewers, it's like they're two completely different people so we don't hold Angel responsible for Angelus' actions. Xander only sees that the person who tormented them for months and killed Jenny is now sorry about it. Like a serial killer who has decided he feels bad about what he did. In Xander's mind, Angel is still responsible and shouldn't have his actions forgotten. So, while his attitude toward Angel is often completely ( ... )
Uh, comic spoiler, Xander is currently dating someone other than Anya, but it's not someone you've met yet in the series. Needless to say, it's not Buffy *grumbles* BUT, there is major B/X tension.
Yeah I googled the Xander shippage in the comics :( Stupid Dawn. And yeah Buffy falls for him, right? And I know Anya dies :( Stupid spoilers.
As saddened as I was by the X/C break-up, I did love Cordy so much for not giving him a second chance. She was heart-broken and it would have been easy to fall back to him, but she decided to move on because she knows she doesn't deserve to be cheated on.
Yeah that was cool of her. She had too much pride to beg for him back, even though she was devastated. But Xander didn't even make an effort to get back with her! Whereas Willow tried (and succeeded) to get back with Oz. I think maybe Xander had drifted away from Cordy anyway, which is why he was attracted to Willow. And although Willow was in love with Oz, because she loved Xander for so long, as soon as he returned her feelings that reminded her of how she loved him once.
That's just how I see it.
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