Apr 28, 2011 15:03
Hooray! So today marks the first in our Thursday discussion post series (named after one of my favourite Hitch-Hiker's Guide quotes). And seeing as I'm doing an essay on the subject, today's topic is...
This should be something at the forefront of our minds at the moment, due to LJ being attacked. (FYI I saw in the newspaper that the reason for this is because the Russian PM is up for elections and either he or his supporters are limiting the free speech forums on the Russian internet to prevent his misdemeanors from being public knowledge). Of course we all love our freedom of speech... but when does it go too far? It's up to you to decide!
Poll Feel free to skip the last one if you don't know who Mill is!
Enjoy and discuss in the comments if you wish :D
EDIT: Goddamit! One of the essay options was Mill and pornography. Damn I would have liked to have tackled that! Ah well. It's too late now. Plus I know too much about Wikileaks and how to apply Mill's principles to this particular argument to pass up this opportunity.
free speech,
discussion post,
human rights,