HE'S RIVER!!!!!!!!!
Also brb, crying over Bryce.
Ok, so down to the proper post. Season 2 was great. It progressed season 1 almost perfectly, elevating the plots to higher levels of intensity while maintaining the integrity by keeping the dichotomy of cute vs serious in balance. There were a few ways in which this fell down on course: in favour of more exciting and dramatic spy arcs, the Buy More normal life stuff became more convoluted and linked in weak ways to the main plotline. But this didn't distract too much. I hope that they fix this problem later on.
In terms of character development I think they did a lot right this season. Chuck proceeded to be awesome, growing up, discovering his potential blah, blah. Casey was challenged and re-evaluated his priorities, but not in a way that distracted from the humour of his character. I think this season really succeeded with Sarah, giving her a backstory and some great motives, as well as explaining her attitudes and giving us a further understanding of her love for Chuck. As for the ship, the slow-burn thing worked great this season, leaving the viewers to totally fall in love with the pairing.
Plot -wise this season was great as well. I've already said the main plots got more dramatic, which is true. But what's best about the show is I honestly don't know what's coming next. As a child of television who has seen just about every genre out there, it's great to have this quality in a show: there are so many I watch where I know exactly what's going to happen. This is not the case with Chuck at all, and the ending of this season really proved that - there were so many ways the plot could have gone and I was kept on the edge of my seat until the last minute.
Onto the few things I didn't like. First and foremost, I don't like how they were nudging Anna out of the show. Wtf guys, seriously. In the first season she provided much needed snark and spunk in the Buy More, keeping her male counterparts on their toes. She played a vital role in the comedy of that situation, and this was certainly lacking in season 2. I think it also contributed to the Buy More plots having less drive. Anna is needed, and season 2 proved that. Also, spy anyone?! If they don't use this as the reason to write her out I will be DISAPPOINT. Ugh. The second thing that really pissed me off this season was the music. For some reason, a few episodes in the music editting got really sloppy. We had overly dramatic or distracting music where it wasn't needed, the music was blended poorly... Although it got slightly better this continued throughout the season. Come on guys. If I think I can do it better than you, then you're definitely doing something wrong.
But apart from niggly things, these were my only problems. Huzzah! And I think that's about all I have to say, apart from BRING ON SEASON 3! :D