Breaking the ice: Ruta Brugal!

Jun 19, 2010 19:57

This morning I went to the Jardin Botanico Nacional (National Park Garden) to see the cars and motorbikes and that was an amazing experience, my brother is participating, and if next year they doing again, I want to participate too!

How to begin?

Hello Friends!

Dear Diary LJ, I’m so sorry that I’ve neglected you for so long, but not anymore. :) I’m keeping this journal alive! That is actually writing something in it.

Dear Friend list, that fact that I don’t write doesn’t mean I don’t visit LJ, in fact I have 3 permanent tabs in my Mozilla browser: Gmail, GReader and Friend page.  So I'm always reading my friend's page -I know, I just put myself in evidence that mainly, I lurk- That's something else I'm going to fix :) Promise.

I’m starting by posting a video of a promo of a event that’s going on, Ruta Brugal (Rum Brugal Route)

image Click to view

The event is still going on till tomorrow in Puerto Plata. I couldn’t take pictures of the Old Cars and Porches Club because they left early since they were going on a slow speed (less than 100km/h) but I took some pictures of the Harleys and super bikes and I manage to find pictures of the first stop from the main site from the other cars.

PS.. LJ apparently is not as forgiving as hopefully, my friend list is will be >.< I can't manage to put the video and show gallery well, I'm posting links in case I don't crash my friend's friends page. 

random, ruta brugal

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