[Drabble] Collared Shadow

Jul 08, 2012 11:40

Title: Collared Shadow
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Type: Video Game
Characters/Pairing: Saix/Anti-Sora
Word Count: 300
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Warnings: Collar Kink
Summary: He enjoyed his shadow pet more than he should.
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts 2 nor the characters, just borrowing them from Square-Enix for a little while.
Author's Notes: Faintly based off of a roleplay between laurelrhea and myself, titled 'Shadow of a Heart'.
Prompt: drabble123 : #20 - Writer's Choice ( Table Random 2)


Saix tilted his head, eyeing the dark shadow that was currently warming his feet, curled comfortably on the floor. The likeness of the boy hero was disgustingly accurate, considering that he had been apart of him at one time. The berserker nudged the heartless with his boot, snorting at as he rolled over onto his back.

A chuckle rose up, the tinkling of the collar along the shadow’s throat making him immensely happy. Though the Superior did not know, nor did he wish him to know, Saix had taken the boy hero’s other self. It was an effective way of making a pet to entertain him.

“Nn?” the shadow exhaled, blinking his vibrant golden eyes open, staring up at him from the floor.

“Come here,” Saix mumbled, licking his lips as he rested his chin on the back of his hand.

The shadow groused, but crawled to his feet and stood there before him, narrowing a dull look on him. Saix rolled his eyes and flicked his finger for him to come closer and when the shadow failed to do so, the berserker reached out and grabbed a hold of the dangling chain.

“You will obey me,” he rumbled low on a growl, “Now come here.”

Saix yanked on the chain that was linked to the shiny collar at Anti-Sora’s neck. The shadow squeaked and consented, crawling into Saix’s lap obediently, but stiff none the less. The berserker closed his eyes, resting his hand atop the shadow’s head, running his gloved fingers through the black hair, “My pet,” he purred, enjoying the closeness of the shadow, idly playing with the links of the chain.

If Xemnas were to find out what he had hidden away in his private chambers, he knew the Superior would be mad, but he rightly didn’t care.

Cross Posted to: drabble123

! gifts, length: 251 - 350, fandom: kingdom hearts 2, style: pre-slash, character: kh: saix, rating: pg, warning: kink, character: kh: anti sora, type: triple drabble, @ comm: drabble123, style: established relationship, media: fanfiction, genre: general, pairing: kh: saix/anti sora

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