[Drabble-Fic] Life's Strangest Destination (Chapter 7)

Feb 18, 2015 16:08

Chapter 6 | Table of Contents | Chapter 8
Title: Let's Get To Know Each Other (Chapter 7)
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Inuyasha
Type: Anime/Manga
Characters/Pairing: Kagome, Inuyasha
Word Count: 345
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Kagome finally calls Inuyasha.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor the characters, just borrowing them from Rumiko Takahashi for a little while.
Author's Notes: Like usual, it is un-beta'd. I've had the wonderful tug out of writer's block for this story, which makes me absolutely ecstatic! Maybe I can get more added to the story and actually down to the plot. (But I don't wanna plan too much!) Added to my
verbosity work count for Week 8.


“Still nervous aren't you?” Sango's voice easily sliced her shallow concentration of staring intently at her cellphone.

“I don't know what you are talking about,” she answered back. Kagome's cheeks tinted pink as she cleared her throat and slipped her phone back into her desk drawer quickly. She shifted in her chair and slipped her small framed glasses back on, trying to turn her attention back to the portfolio in front of her.

Sango leaned her head more through the crack in the door, her grin predatory and pointed, “If you don't have the guts to call him, send him a text or something.” Sango waited until Kagome met her gaze, before she continued, “But you're going to have to act.”

Kagome watched Sango close the door as she left, watching her through the glass of the front of her office. Her friend gave her a wave, signaling she was leaving for the day. She cleared her throat again, glancing back to the closed drawer where she had placed her cellphone.

With a grumble and a flourish, Kagome retrieved the device, going through her calls list to his number, and the memory of the other night at the train station gets caught in her mind. His strong violet gaze and warm smile that spread across his face has Kagome biting her lip as she leaned back in her chair, taking off her glasses as she hit the dial button.

She pressed her wrist to her forehead as she chewed on her bottom lip, listening to the rhythmic ringing as complete anxiety ate away at her. 'Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance,' Kagome chanted mentally.

And then the line picked up. Kagome inhaled on a shaky breath as noise filtered in over the line, with a husky voice, which sounded rushed and busy. “This is Inuyasha, what can I help you with?”

Kagome swallowed, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, “Inuyasha, it's Kagome.” She paused, before she hesitantly continued, “How about we get to know each other better over dinner?”

# fic: life's strangest destination, type: drabble-fic, warning: au, @ comm: verbosity, character: iy: sango, character: iy: kagome, rating: g, warning: none, style: pre-het, fandom: inuyasha, length: 351 - 500, character: iy: inuyasha, media: fanfiction, genre: general

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