[Drabble-Fic] Life's Strangest Destination (Chapter 6)

Feb 17, 2015 14:36

Chapter 5 | Table of Contents | Chapter 7
Title: You Didn't Heart That (Chapter 6)
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Inuyasha
Type: Anime/Manga
Characters/Pairing: Inuyasha, Miroku, Ayame
Word Count: 438
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Miroku finds out that Inuyasha is interested in someone.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor the characters, just borrowing them from Rumiko Takahashi for a little while.
Author's Notes: Added to my
verbosity word count for Week 8.
lastfanstanding : #382 - Hate


Inuyasha unlocked the door, slipping in, before quickly shutting it behind him, his fingers turning the deadbolt back in place. He shivered in his spot, slipping out of his favorite leather jacket, he hung it up on the coat rack as Ayame filtered in from the hallway.

Her green eyes lit up as she saw him, “Hiya there boss!”

Inuyasha gave a quick nod, running a cold hand through his wind tussled hair, “Preparations coming along?”

She sat down at the bar, crossing her legs, “Same as always. Miroku just got in as well, he's in the cooler pulling a couple of cases out for tonight.”

“That's good to hear,” he walked passed the bar, heading towards the hallway, where his office was located.

“Your brother did call about thirty minutes ago,” she called after him.

“He'll call back.” Inuyasha gave a roll of his eyes and a wave of his hand as he continued down the hallway, finishing as he spoke under his breath, “He always does.”

“Sesshoumaru will hate that you didn't call him back,” Ayame singsonged.

“The demanding bastard knows that I have a cellphone!” Inuyasha mocked back at her as he opened his office door, to which she gave a shrug.

Once in his office, Inuyasha plopped down into his chair, after having tossed his cell and his keys onto the old wooden desk. He leaned back, pillowing his head, his violet gaze staring intently at the aforementioned object.

“You taking a nap already?” Miroku asked, leaning on the door frame.

Inuyasha sighed, almost a grumble, “It's not ringing.”

“You wanted your brother to call you back that bad? That's new.” Miroku quipped, chuckling at the glare Inuyasha tossed his way.

“No, she hasn't called.” As the words slipped from his lips, Inuyasha's eyes shot open wide as he sat up quickly, turning his attention to Miroku.

That had gotten Miroku's attention, “She?”

At hearing the curiousness in his best friend's voice, Inuyasha gave him a pointed look, shaking his head, “You didn't hear that.”

Miroku hummed, giving a nod, “Oh, I think I did.”

“You heard wrong.”

“I don't think so.” Miroku gave his boss and best friend a large grin, rubbing at his chin, “So, when did you meet this girl?”

Clearing his throat, Inuyasha stood up quickly, his cheeks rose tinted as he shoved Miroku out of his office, slamming the door in his face. “It's none of your business.”

All his return answer was Miroku laughing as loudly as he could, which made Inuyasha grumble under his breath even more.

Cross Posted to:

# fic: life's strangest destination, type: drabble-fic, warning: au, character: iy: ayame, fandom: inuyasha, length: 351 - 500, character: iy: miroku, @ comm: verbosity, character: iy: sango, @ comm: lastfanstanding, warning: none, style: gen, rating: g, character: iy: inuyasha, genre: general, media: fanfiction

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