[Drabble-Fic] Life's Strangest Destination (Chapter 5)

Feb 12, 2014 12:44

Chapter 4 | Table of Contents | Chapter 6
Title: Interested (Chapter 5)
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Inuyasha
Type: Anime/Manga
Characters/Pairing: Kagome, Sango
Word Count: 463
Genre: General, Friendship
Rating: G
Warning: Alternate Universe
Summary: Sango interrogates Kagome about Inuyasha.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor the characters, just borrowing them from Rumiko Takahashi for a little while.
Prompt: 52_challenge : #33 - Surprise ( Table 52/55)


“I thought you said you were absolutely positive you would never see this guy again?” Sango said, raising a slender brow as she tapped her pen on the table, her hazel eyes watching Kagome with her usual fierceness.

Kagome pushed he bangs from out of her face, exhaling as she looked up from her paperwork, “Sango…”

“But a week later, I mean, come on,” Sango continued, dropping the pen she’d been messing with as she pushed away from the desk and stood up.

“Sango,” Kagome’s brows narrowed as she tried to focus on her work.

“That is fate right there!” Sango exclaimed.

“Sango!” Kagome grumbled, raising her voice so that she could be heard, slamming her hand down on her desk, startling Sango out of her rambling.

“What?” she asked, grin still turning her lips as she planted her hands on her hips.

Kagome exhaled again, rubbing at her temples, a few sprigs of hair falling back into place, “It was weird, you know. I have seen him a few times, but…” she paused, before shaking her head as if to dismiss the thoughts, turning her attention back to her paperwork that was starting to get neglected.

“You like him a lot?” Sango said after a few minutes of standing there watching Kagome, before she plopped back into her chair across from Kagome’s desk.

“Interested,” Kagome corrected, a smile dancing dangerously on the corners of her lips as she slipped on her reading glasses, “I’m interested in him,” she continued, eying Sango over the rim of the thin frames as she continued to read over the several portfolios, “I’m not sure if I like him or not…”

At her pause, Sango sat straight up, finishing Kagome’s sentence for her, “yet!”

With a nod of her head, Kagome conceded, “Yes, of course, you’re right.”

“What does he do for a living?”

“He apparently owns his own bar,” Kagome answered, marking a few things she would have to bring to the owner’s attention when she met with them later.

Sango gasped, leaning forward as she slammed her hands on the desk, surprising her friend from her menial task, “KAGOME!”

“Are you insane?!” Kagome asked, eyes narrowed as she removed her reading glasses. “What is it?”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Sango’s face broke out into a full grin.

“Tell you what?” Kagome asked, suspicious of this new line of questioning.

“Oh my dear,” Sango clasped her hands together and brought them to her cheek in a mock swoon, “I think I may love this guy!” she spoke in a high pitched, exaggerated voice, only causing Kagome to toss one of the multitude of pens scattered around her desk at Sango.

“Hey!” Sango broke her made up character with a laugh, Kagome joining in with her.

Cross Posted to: 52_challenge

# fic: life's strangest destination, type: drabble-fic, warning: au, character: iy: sango, length: 251 - 350, @ comm: 52_challenge, character: iy: kagome, warning: none, rating: g, style: gen, fandom: inuyasha, genre: friendship, media: fanfiction, genre: general

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