[Drabble-Fic] Life's Strangest Destination (Chapter 4)

Feb 10, 2014 12:58

Chapter 3 | Table of Contents | Chapter 5
Title: Starting Over (Chapter 4)
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: InuYasha: A Feudal Fairytale
Type: Anime/Manga
Characters/Pairing: Inuyasha, Kagome
Word Count: 1,020
Genre: General, Romance
Rating: G
Warning: Alternate Universe
Summary: Kagome feels the need that they should start over.
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha nor the characters, just borrowing them from Rumiko Takahashi for a little while.
Prompt: 52_challenge : #08 - Chocolate ( Table 52/55)


Early September - a week later

“No, no, no!” Kagome exhaled, coming to a slow jog as she watched the train pull out of the station. “I can’t believe I missed it.”

“You’re not the only one.”

The familiar voice made Kagome’s heart seize, before she turned around to see Inuyasha in a similar fashion as she, winded and cheeks tinged pink from the run. She swallowed, trying to regain a normal breathing cycle as she started chuckling.

“I guess I’m not, am I?” she smiled.

He brushed his dark hair out of his face, straightening his posture as he motioned to the benches along the station wall, “You going to stay and catch the next one?”

“Might as well,” she followed him, breathing heavily as she pressed her palm to her chest, feeling the pounding in her heart.

She had gotten her breathing under control by the time they sat down on the benches next to each other and yet, her heart was making a staccato rhythm in her chest, pounding out of sync.

They sat there in the chilly September weather, waiting, quiet, and yet comfortable.

Without hesitation, Inuyasha removed his leather jacket and unceremoniously draped it on her shoulders. It was then she realized she had started to shiver, having forgone a coat that morning before she had left her apartment, a mistake she was quickly coming to enjoy.

“Thank you,” Kagome said, smiling slowly to herself.

“You never called,” his voice was low, his gaze averted to one of the posters barely hanging onto the brick, its corner flapping in the stiff wind. If she had not been so focused on the pleasant curve of his lips, she probably would never have heard him speak.

“I,” Kagome hesitated, pulling the warm jacket tighter, before finally saying, “I tried.”

Inuyasha’s eyes were on her, watching her closely, their violet depths almost searing her to her spot. She watched him from the corner of her eyes, feeling some sort of kindling lighting somewhere inside of her as she watched his face blossom into a small calm smile, “Were you nervous?”

She couldn’t help but match his expression, face pinking with the slightest of a blush, “Very.”

“Me too,” he said, straightening his back as he stared out towards the platform, wind whipping at their hair.

Kagome gave a snort, burying her nose into the soft rabbit fur of Inuyasha’s jacket, “How could you be nervous? You didn’t even have my number.”

“Just was,” he said, those violet eyes on her again, making her stomach do somersaults.

They sat there, quiet and awkward. Every time Inuyasha looked at her and their gazes met, her blood pressure spiked and her stomach continued to roll around. In the sparse few minutes, Kagome was already lightheaded and hoping that Inuyasha would stop the torture he wrought on her with just his violet gaze. She was at her wits end.

Swallowing hard, Kagome watched as Inuyasha pulled his cell phone from his pocket, probably to check the time. On an impulse she grabbed for it, catching Inuyasha off guard, “Let me see this.”

“Hey, what are you doing?” His brows were narrowed on her, his lips set in a hard line.

She typed on it, raising her hand to stop all arguments, “I’m calling my cell,” she said, peaking up at him from underneath her lashes, watching as all the anger ebbed from his face, replaced by a goofy grin even as her own phone vibrated and rang in her purse.

Kagome hit end on the phone, handing it back over to the outstretched hand, “There. You have my number. I have yours.”

Inuyasha messed with his phone, doing god knows what as Kagome sat there, huddling tighter in the coat as a strong gust of wind whipped through her hair, sending chills down her back. Shivering she reached out her hand, “How about we start over?”

“Alright?” He gave her another funny look, even though he took her hand, giving it a firm shake.

“Hi, I’m Kagome,” she started, grinning brightly as she fingered the rabbit fur lining, her cheeks flushed, more from embarrassment than the cold, “I like reading crime novels in my pajamas with a cup of hot chocolate, extra marshmallows.” She paused, before lifting her feet and stretching out her legs, “I’m addicted to crazy colored toe socks and I like pine scented candles.”

Inuyasha just watched her, his own face a brilliant shade of rosy pink, matching hers as he listened to her rattle off the things at the top of her mind. Her voice was calm and vibrant, just like her dazzling expressions.

“And it seems I’ve missed my train so I’m waiting around the platform for the next one,” Kagome finished, shivering from the cold as she looked to him next to her.

He laughed, making her pull her bottom lip through her teeth, “What?” she implored, even as Inuyasha continued to chuckle.

“It’s nothing,” he said, before going along with her plan of starting over, “I’m Inuyasha and it is very nice to meet you, Kagome.”

“Like wise,” she perked up, smiling so brightly he thought his heart wouldn’t be able to take it.

They laughed together, enjoying each other’s company. Inuyasha bumped her shoulder with his, lips curved pleasantly showing off a perfect row of teeth. That half-grin made Kagome’s heart leap in her chest again, staccato beat picking up.

“So… toe socks?” he asked, brow raised playfully.

Seeing her chance she lifted her chin slightly, “Oh, like there’s no tomorrow,” she pulled the coat tighter around her, kicking her boot against the concrete platform. “I have quite the collection, you see,” she said earnestly.

“Really now?”

“Yes, really,” she chuckled.

“That’s something I’d pay to see,” Inuyasha said, only making her heart pound furiously in her chest, causing her to briefly hold her breath, before inhaling sharply through her nose.

She hesitated, dragging her lower lip through her teeth unconsciously, Inuyasha’s eyes watching with a close fascination, his violet irises bright, before she spoke softly, “Possibly. We’ll have to see.”

All she was rewarded with was another goofy grin.

Cross Posted to: 52_challenge

# fic: life's strangest destination, length: 1001 - 15000, type: drabble-fic, style: het, warning: au, style: pre-het, fandom: inuyasha, @ comm: 52_challenge, style: gen, rating: g, warning: none, character: iy: kagome, genre: romance, character: iy: inuyasha, genre: general, media: fanfiction

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