[Drabble] Not That Sick

Aug 17, 2013 14:04

Title: Not That Sick
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Virus/Aoba
Word Count: 298
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Aoba is worried that Virus has a cold.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Prompt: 1drabble : #9 - Cold ( Drabble Table)


The loud sneeze startled Aoba awake. He sat up slowly, wincing as his ribs where now colored lightly in bruises from earlier. Virus sat comfortably on his leather sofa, leg crossed at the knee, book in hand. He was the ever picture of composure as always that was until another sneeze ruptured his impression.

It was the first time Aoba had ever seen the man not in control as he sniffled, pausing only to hold a hand to his mouth as he coughed hard. For some reason or another, Aoba couldn’t help the soft chuckle.

Virus glanced at him, features composed even with his nose being red.

“Seems you have a cold,” he quietly said,

Virus nodded, closing his book, “Seems that I do.”

Aoba watched him as another sneeze turned into a coughing fit, “Have you taken any medicine?”

“I don’t need medicine,” he said, wiping at his nose with a tissue.

“You won’t get better without medicine,” Aoba said, slowly crossing his legs underneath him Indian-style.

Virus eyed him slowly, before standing and coming across the room to sit on the side of his bed, “Like I said I don’t need any medicine.”

“Virus,” Aoba started, somehow feeling like he use to instead of just the shell of himself that he was now. Virus cut his retort off by cupping Aoba’s cheek gently, rubbing his thumb tenderly under his eye.

“I’m not that sick, so stop worrying,” Virus mumbled, pulling Aoba toward him to press his lips to his forehead in an action that was far from how he usually acted, stunning Aoba into complete silence. Satisfied, Virus stood, went to grab his book and headed out of the bedroom.

Aoba was left alone, as he heard the click of the deadbolt sliding in to place.

Cross Posted to: 1drabble

character: dmmd: aoba, pairing: dmmd: virus/aoba, style: slash, length: 251 - 350, @ comm: 1drabble, type: drabble, rating: g, warning: none, character: dmmd: virus, fandom: dramatical murder, style: established relationship, media: fanfiction, genre: general, style: post series

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