[Drabble] Master

Aug 17, 2013 13:28

Title: Master
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Trip/Aoba
Word Count: 408
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Warning: slight abuse, Bondage, D/s, Spanking
Summary: Aoba won't speak a word.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Prompt: 1drabble : #2 - Fire ( Drabble Table)


His blood burned with fire, coursing molten hot through his veins. Just like his blood, his lungs ached like an inferno with every breath he took. Weakly, Aoba tugged on the restraints the had his arms spread and chained to the ceiling, his limbs having gone numb ages ago.

“You look like a wonderful prize,” Trip hummed, licking his bottom lip, eyes revolving down the length of Aoba’s exposed flesh.

Aoba didn’t make a retort. He’d learned long ago it was never in his best interest if he did - at least not when Trip was the one torturing him. He didn’t actually mean torture, but the pleasure and the pain that Trip administered… was enough for him to consider it torturous in some manner.

Trip came close to him, trailing the leather straps of the flogger along the tender pale skin of his thigh. Aoba gripped the restraints tightly, muscles tightening, waiting for the hit that never came as the chains rattled with his movements.

“Who is your master?” Trip’s voice was raspy and heavy against his throat, where the blond had leaned in, warm moist lips pressed to his skin. “Tell me Aoba.”

Aoba shivered, leaning his head back to allow Trip greater access to what he wanted. But all too soon, Trip was pulling away, the sting of pain causing him to cry out as the leather of the flogger came down across his bare chest.

“Tell me,” Trip's voice was ever calm and even as he drew another lash down onto Aoba's tender skin.

He gripped the restraints, the chains rattling as he arched into the swings, the sting ebbing away and turning to prickles of pleasure. Aoba whimpered, breathless and shivering as Trip ran a hand through his blond hair.

“Just say I'm your master,” Trip loosened his tie with one hand, trailing the leather straps of the flogger along Aoba's body, “And you'll get everything you wanted.” Trip leaned in again, his fingers undoing the top buttons of his shirt as he trailed his lips along Aoba's collarbone. “I won't even tell Virus.”

Aoba didn't respond, instead he just turned his gaze away, trying to block out Trip. He had learned to keep quiet and that was what he was going to do. Trip's calm features slipped into annoyance as he drew back his arm, bring the flogger down onto Aoba's skin.

Over and over.

And Trip was met with nothing but silence.

Cross Posted to: 1drabble

character: dmmd: trip, character: dmmd: aoba, style: slash, length: 251 - 350, @ comm: 1drabble, warning: bondage, type: drabble, pairing: dmmd: trip/aoba, warning: spanking, fandom: dramatical murder, warning: abuse, warning: d/s, media: fanfiction, style: post series, genre: hurt/comfort

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