laurelrhea : Norse Mythology :
Absolute Control (PG-13) - Fenrir, Hel - [2,952 words]
laurelrhea : Kingdom Hearts :
Collared Shadow (PG) - Saix/Anti-Sora - [300 words]
laurelrhea : Death Note :
Indulge Me (NC-17) - Matt/Mello - [9,411 words]
laurelrhea : Death Note :
Department Store Love (NC-17) - Matt/Mello - [5,804 words]
laurelrhea : Death Note :
New Year's Eve (PG-13) - Matt/Mello - [2,671 words]
laurelrhea : Death Note :
Four Days (G) - Matt, Mello - [1,236 words]
laurelrhea : You Will Drown In Love :
Current of Feelings (G) - Jinnai/Reiichiro - [956 words]
laurelrhea : DRAMAtical Murder :
Kiss Me Harder (PG) - Ren/Aoba - [276 words]
laurelrhea : DRAMAtical Murder :
Good Morning (G) - Clear/Aoba - [283 words]
laurelrhea : DRAMAtical Murder :
Amazing Hands (PG) - Koujaku/Aoba - [275 words]
laurelrhea : DRAMAtical Murder :
Too Much of Heaven (NC-17) - Koujaku/Sly Blue - [1,135 words]
laurelrhea : DRAMAtical Murder :
Dinner and a Show (R) - Trip/Sei, Virus - [300 words]
pachibamu : DRAMAtical Murder :
Too Much Is Always A Good Thing (NC-17) - Mink/Aoba - [1,748 words]
ceasefire : DRAMAtical Murder :
Embarrassment (G) - Noiz/Aoba - [314 words]
ceasefire : DRAMAtical Murder :
Terrible Liar (PG) - Noiz/Aoba - [300 words]
elfgirljen :
Supernatural, Sam, you missed the turn Dean -
You Missed the Turn (G) - Dean, Sam - [274 words]
elfgirljen :
any, any, message in a bottle -
Thinking of You (G) - Kairi - [244 words]
stfu_pwentzz :
Death Note, Matt/Mello, "Will you put down that damn game?" -
Semblance of Affection (G) - Matt/Mello - [309 words]
iceybreath :
Final Fantasy Tactics, Ramza + Alma, Family -
Leaving (G) - Ramza, Alma - [262 words]
daria234 :
Once Upon a Time, Hook/Charming, expectations -
Uncontent (G) - Hook/Prince Charming - [104 words]
samparker :
NCIS, Abby/Tony, watching her get dressed -
Skin (G) - Tony/Abby - [80 words]
leni_ba :
Any, Any, reunion - Luck (G) - Cullen/f!Inquisitor - [50 words]
evil_little_dog :
Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward/Winry, Nightmare -
Just A Nightmare (G) - Edward/Winry - [299 words]
evil_little_dog :
Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell, first date - Dating Is Different (G) - Edward/Winry - [40 words]
classics_lover :
Dragon Age (any), any + any, "I still don't get Wicked Grace." -
Wicked Grace Is Not Chess (G) - f!Inquisitor, Cullen, Varric, Dorian - [378 words]
classics_lover :
Author's Choice, Author's Choice, "Wheeeeeeeee!" - On the Prowl (G) - [10 words]
classics_lover :
Dragon Age (any), any, "Quit it!" - Something Back (G) - Cullen - [20 words]
classics_lover :
Dragon Age (any), any, "Quit it!" - The Shoes (G) - f!Inquisitor, Florianne de Chalons - [10 words]
classics_lover :
Dragon Age (any), any, "Quit it!" - Cards (G) - Cullen, Varric - [10 words]
classics_lover :
Author's Choice, Author's Choice, small or far away - Reunion Is His Reward (G) - Alistair - [30 words]
classics_lover :
Author's Choice, Author's Choice, technical difficulties - BOOM (G) - Inquisitor, Dagna - [10 words]
classics_lover :
Author's Choice, Author's Choice, DUCK! - Yell Duck or Something (G) - Dorian, Sera - [40 words]
classics_lover :
Author's Choice, Author's Choice, fluff - Scarred (G) - Cullen/f!Inquisitor - [30 words]
classics_lover :
Author's Choice, Author's Choice, is this real? - Peaceful (G) - Cullen/f!Inquisitor - [40 words]
classics_lover :
Author's Choice, Author's Choice, I do not *giggle* - Manly Grey Warden (G) - Alistair, Zevran - [20 words]
badly_knitted :
Any, Any, mission impossible - Whatever the Cost (G) - Cullen/f!Inquisitor - [40 words]
badly_knitted :
Any, Any, fiendish powers of persuasion - Silvery of Sorts (G) - Alistair, Zevran - [30 words]
badly_knitted :
Any, Any, "Say cheese!" - Cheese? (G) - Alistair - [10 words]