Title: Amazing Hands
kryss_delrheiFandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Koujaku/Aoba
Word Count: 275
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: Aoba thinks Koujaku has amazing hands.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Author's Notes: Another one written for the lovely
1drabble : #10 - Weakness (
Drabble Table)
Aoba moaned, arching as pleasure spiked through him, causing his body to shiver deliciously, “Nngh, you have wonderful hands.”
“Why thank you,” Koujaku purred against Aoba’s ear, nipping at the sensitive spot just behind the tender lobe, a place he knew to be one of Aoba’s weaknesses, “You are the only that appreciates them.”
He arched again, toes curling as the hands massaged in just the right spot, “OH, there… yes, nnnngh, that’s the spot,” Aoba whimpered, eyes shut against the intense pleasure that Koujaku was producing with just his hands.
“When was the last time you got a massage?” Koujaku asked, his voice raspy and deeper than before, as he shifted to his knees on the bed, hands still revolving over Aoba’s body.
“Not sure,” Aoba sighed happily.
“You really are tense,” Koujaku smiled, leaning against his back as he moved his hands back up to his shoulders to continue massaging the kinks out from under the skin. “What’s got you so worked up at work?”
“Not work,” the blue hair male sighed happily, and a bit sad when Koujaku finally pulled his hands away, using the soft towel to wipe away the excess massage oil from his hands and off of Aoba’s back. “You have amazing hands.”
Koujaku chuckled and laid back on the bed, shifting his arms behind his head, "Thank you again.”
“Oh you are more than welcome,” Aoba groaned, crawling over his boyfriend easily to straddle his hips, “You may even get a reward.”
“I’m intrigued,” Koujaku grinned, his gaze sharp as he met Aoba’s lust filled one.
“Let me show you,” Aoba said, leaning down to kiss him passionately.
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