[Drabble] Tenderly Unsure

Jun 26, 2013 10:52

Title: Tenderly Unsure
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: child!Koujaku/child!Aoba
Word Count: 763
Genre: Friendship
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Koujaku and Aoba share a childish and timid kiss.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Author's Notes: De-anoning this kink fill.
Prompt: dmmd_kink_meme : child!Koujaku/child!Aoba - kisses


“I thought that was you.”

The familiar voice startled him from his short, breathless sobs, large tears welling up and blurring his vision. Aoba wiped furiously at his face, trying to rid the evidence of his sadness away as the young boy walked toward the jungle gym toward him. Aoba hiccupped and felt a new wave of depression hit him hard, his tiny hands continuing to brush the tears from his cheeks.

“Aoba, why are you crying?” Koujaku asked, his hand brushing through Aoba’s blue locks of hair, his smile tender and reassuring, “Why aren’t you home? It’s late.”

Aoba choked on a vicious sob and knocked his friend’s hand away, “I’m FINE!”

Koujaku pulled his hand back before dropping the grocery bag to the sand as he climbed up onto the jungle gym, finding a comfortable spot next to Aoba on the metal bars. Quietly he brushed his dark hair from his vision as he leaned against Aoba’s tiny shoulder, “You’re fine. But why are you out so late?”

“You’re out late too!” the indignant sob came out, only making Koujaku smile more tenderly.

“Mom sent me out to the store for a couple things,” he answered, and draped an arm over Aoba’s tiny shoulders. This time, the young boy didn’t flinch or push him away, instead he leaned against him, his blubbering louder as he allowed Koujaku to comfort him. “She was in a baking storm when I left.”

After a brief silence, that wasn’t really silent as Aoba’s voice grew hoarse in the chilly night, his sobs breaking off into small coughs for air. Koujaku patted his best friend’s head, ruffling the blue hair lovingly, “Why are you crying?”

“Grandma…” Aoba sniffled out, rubbing at his pinked cheeks from the exertion, his eyes puffy and red as much as his runny nose. Koujaku chuckled and hugged him closer.

“She working late again?” His response was a curt nod, making Koujaku rub Aoba’s shoulder, pulling away slightly, “You need to stop crying, you’ll make yourself sick.”

Aoba coughed and shook his head, “She said she’d be here hours ago!”

“Calm down!” Koujaku reprimanded, but Aoba showed no sign of calming down. Releasing a sigh, he caught the boy’s chin in his hand and lifted the boy’s face up, staring into his light colored eyes, rimmed by tears as they rolled down his chubby cheeks. Aoba stared up at him, grumbling as he rubbed at his eye with the back of his hand.

Smiling, Koujaku dipped his head down and pressed his lips to Aoba’s in a mock imitation of the way his mother did to him when he was this inconsolable. As it usually worked, the young boy quieted automatically, staring up at his best friend with wide eyes. Koujaku leaned back and gave a large grin, brushing his thumb to wipe at the boy’s damp cheek, “See, that’s much better.”

Aoba’s puffy cheeks tinted pink with a light flush that made his light colored eyes stand out more, even in the dim light cast from the street lamp near the sidewalk. Koujaku chuckled and ruffled Aoba’s hair, “You calmed down?”

With a brief nod from him, Koujaku climbed down from the jungle gym, “I’ll take you back to my house. We can help mom with her baking.”

Aoba watched as Koujaku fixed his jacket, leaning down to pick up the previously discarded bag of groceries he’d been sent after. Quietly he pressed a finger to his lips, his face brightening with the blush, knowing that it was to calm him down, but still he could feel his little childish heart beat faster. Nodding his, Aoba decided to keep it a secret from Koujaku, unsure of how the other would react, that and he wasn’t even sure what it meant to begin with.

Koujaku offered his hand as he pushed his bangs out of his face, his breath coming out in white puffs of smoke, “It’s getting colder out, let’s head home and we’ll make sure mom calls Tae for you!”

Aoba nodded, and reached down to take Koujaku slightly larger hand as the dark brunette helped him climb down from his position on the jungle gym. He wiped at his runny nose with the back of his hand and gave a light cough. Koujaku ruffled his hair again and laced their fingers together as he lead him out of the park.

“She already had so much baked! Maybe she’ll let us lick the bowl clean!” Koujaku said, tugging Aoba along with him. Aoba nodded, a smile blooming across his face.

View Also On: AO3

Originally Posted to: dmmd_kink_meme on May 22, 2013.

character: dmmd: koujaku, character: dmmd: aoba, @ comm: dmmd_kink_meme, type: drabble, style: pre-slash, pairing: dmmd: koujaku/aoba, warning: none, style: pre-series, genre: friendship, fandom: dramatical murder, media: fanfiction, style: first time

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