[Drabble] Count to Five

Jun 26, 2013 09:47

Title: Count to Five
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Noiz/Aoba
Word Count: 493
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warning: Body Modification
Summary: Noiz talks Aoba into letting him pierce his ear.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Author's Notes: De-anoning this kink fill.
Prompt: dmmd_kink_meme : Noiz/Aoba - piercing his ear


He almost sneered at the needle Noiz was holding between his fingers as he stood in front of him. Aoba chewed on the inside of his lip, wishing that Noiz would just remove the ice from his lower earlobe already, since the place had gone completely numb, yet he could feel the cold ache throbbing there.

“Ready?” Aoba raised a brow, glancing up at him.

Noiz met his look with a an even expression as he twisted the needle between his thumb and forefinger, “Give it a bit more time.”

The way he said it so calmly, caused a knot to form in Aoba’s lower abdomen. And not for the first time in the last hour, Aoba tried to figure out how the brat had talked him into letting him pierce his ear. Tapping his foot on the floor, Aoba tried to conceal his anxiousness, yet Noiz saw right through him.

“Don’t be a baby,” he said.

Aoba grumbled, “I’m not!”

“Then hold still,” Noiz pulled the melting ice cube away, sticking it into his mouth as he sucked on it. He nudged Aoba’s chin with a finger, allowing the ear to be more accessible. He held up a cork top to the back of Aoba’s ear lobe and positioned the needle, “Don’t cry too much.”

He huffed, and rolled his eyes, “Stupid brat, I’m not going to cry.”

“Alright,” Noiz said as the corner of his lip pulled up into a smirk, “Take a breath and count to five.”

Aoba inhaled sharply and exhaled, “One… OUCH!”

Noiz had stabbed the needle through, pushing it into the cork backing as he reached over with his free hand to grab the stud he would replace the needle with. Aoba’s eyes well up with tears as he whimpered slightly.

“I wasn’t ready,” he grumbled, crossing his arms.

“You wouldn’t have been if you had counted to five to begin with, “Noiz remarked and went back to the ear, slipping the needle through, quickly following with the stud to fill the piercing. He easily slipped the backing onto it and set the needle aside. Noiz picked up a cold washcloth and wiped at the blood that had seeped from the piercing, before he wiped at it with a alcoholic swab.

“There,” Noiz said, eyeing his handy work as he tipped Aoba’s chin this way and that, to get a good look at the silver stud, “It looks good on you.”

Aoba gave a pout and glanced up at him, “That hurt really bad you know.”

“Eh, you’ll get over it,” Noiz smirked and leaned down to kiss Aoba’s cheek.

With a sigh, Aoba returned the peck with a solid press of his lips to Noiz’s, “Shut up, you brat.”

They exchanged smiles as Noiz leaned back to kiss the offended and pinked ear, that he knew was slowly recovering from being numb. “It does look good on you though.”

Aoba flushed, glancing away, “Thanks to you.”

View Also On: AO3

Originally Posted to: dmmd_kink_meme on May 22, 2013.

character: dmmd: noiz, character: dmmd: aoba, style: slash, length: 251 - 350, @ comm: dmmd_kink_meme, type: drabble, pairing: dmmd: noiz/aoba, rating: g, warning: body modification, fandom: dramatical murder, style: established relationship, media: fanfiction, genre: general, style: post series, warning: fluff

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