[One-Shot] No Need

May 05, 2013 08:59

Title: No Need
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: You Will Drown In Love
Type: Manga
Characters/Pairing: Jinnai/Reiichiro
Word Count: 1,521
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: Jinnai finally gets Reiichiro to go out drinking with him after work, though some unseen things happen.
Disclaimer: I do not own You Will Drown In Love nor the characters, just borrowing them from Hinako Takanaga for a little while.
Author's Notes: I've honestly never seen any fanworks for this series, since it's only a 3 volume manga, but this is also the first time I've written anything for this series as well. The challenge has closed over at fan_flashworks on May 1, 2013.
Prompt: fan_flashworks : #7 - Do Over (Amnesty 7)


They had ended up staying late at the kimono shop, Jinnai’s gaze following his manager Reiichiro as he went about the daily routine of closing up for the night. Inhaling, Jinnai sipped from his styrofoam cup of coffee, before he set it aside and stood up.

“Hey, Reiichiro?” Jinnai ran a hand through his dark hair, catching his manager’s attention.

“Yes?” Came the easy response as he shifted the papers on his desk, looking over the inventory list.

Clearing his throat, Jinnai walked to his desk and leaned against it, “You up for going out and drinking with me tonight?”

He knew that Reiichiro would turn him down on the offer, since he usually went directly home after work, where he practiced his archery at the dojo. An art that Reiichiro had yet to allow him to see since that first time he had gone to him to apologize about his rudeness. Yet, he was taken aback when the young manager responded.

“I would like to,” Reiichiro gave him a side glance, before he stood up, idly smoothing the forming wrinkles from his crisp kimono.

Jinnai stared at him for a long minute, letting the knowledge sink in, before he allowed the smile to blossom across his face, “Great.”


“This is the first time I’ve been able to get you out drinking,” Jinnai mumbled around the glass, tilting it back and chugging the last of the beer. He slammed the cup to the table and gave an unceremonious belch, wiping at the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

Reiichiro chuckled lightly, slowly sipping at his beer, “You always ask at a bad time.”

“And you don’t even know what a day off is,” Jinnai quipped back, waving the waitress over for another round.

“And you should pace yourself,” Reiichiro raised a brow.

Jinnai laughed loudly, saying off handily, “I’d like to see you drunk.”

Pausing, Reiichiro glanced at him, though Jinnai was too busy downing another beer the waitress had brought to them to notice. He smiled a little, though the sadness of being around Jinnai was weighing on him. He didn’t really know what it was that made his heart beat faster when he was with him, yet it always seemed to skip a beat when Jinnai made eye contact with him.

Swallowing, Reiichiro released a held breath, glancing back at Jinnai from across the table, “You’re not keeping on topic.”

“Eh?” Jinnai laughed, his faced flushed and gaze a little blurred as he pushed a full glass of beer towards Reiichiro, “You just need to drink tonight and don’t worry about anything else, got me… Manager?”

He knew Jinnai was only teasing him with the sarcastic tone he unknowingly used every time he called him by his work title, but it still didn’t stop the fire of anger that stirred. Reiichiro shot his co-worker a glare and grabbed the cold beer and stared to chug it. It was so uncharacteristic of him, but he was tired of Jinnai’s teasing.

When he took a deep breath, he set the empty glass on the table and listened to Jinnai whoop a excited holler at him, “Good job, but you got a lot more of those if you want to catch up with me!”

Jinnai’s laughter brought about his own as Reiichiro felt the flush of alcohol start to envelop him, feeling the twisted knot of uncertainty in his stomach ebb away the more he watched his co-worker from across the table. He nodded his head with a slight bit of courage, “Alright, I’ll have another.”

Jinnai grinned largely, “That’s more like it! Waitress, two more!”


The loud snores woke Reiichiro up, his head splitting with a massive headache. He sat up slowly, hand holding his temple, trying to keep his head from hurting. Blinking, he tried to clear his vision as he glimpsed around the foreign room, warm morning light fluttering in past the curtains.

He tried to stand and found Jinnai sprawled across his lap, snoring loudly. Reiichiro stared at his co-worker, before realization kicked in, making his heart pound in trepidation. Jinnai was half dressed, laying on his stomach, his head having slid down into his lap when he had sat up, the covers tangled around their limbs. It was then Reiichiro noticed his kimono that he had worn to work wasn’t on his body, making his face flush quickly in embarrassment.

Reiichiro swallowed and tried to shift out from under the dead weight of Jinnai, his mortification rising with each second as he tried to recall what had happen, but was left at a loss. To his relief the dark haired male shifted and rolled onto his back, rubbing the back of his hand against his nose, before he started snoring again. Reiichiro’s cheeks darkened as he hurried out of the strange bed, his heart pounding heavy in his chest.

“Oh my,” Reiichiro panted, swallowing past the emotion sitting in his throat, only slightly happy that his kimono was thankfully still tied at his waist with his obi.

Hastily, Reiichiro stumbled to the bathroom, his head throbbing from the sensitivity as he flipped the light switch. He shut the door and went to the sink, leaning heavily onto the vanity, his gaze staring at his reflection in the mirror.

Starring back at him were vivid blemishes along the line of his neck and collar bone. When the knowledge hit him full force, Reiichiro covered his mouth in panic, eyes wide, his heart pounding in his chest while his stomach twisted in knots. What had happened last night?

As the minutes past, he slowly calmed himself down, looking around the bathroom and seeing a single toothbrush, amidst a few personal items.

“This must be Jinnai’s apartment,” Reiichiro whispered before turning back to his reflection, his eyes drawn to the hickies that covered him unabashed. He touched his lips, remembering a vague moment, not sure if it had happened that night, but he could almost feel Jinnai’s lips pressed against his.

His face exploded into another bright flush before he quickly slipped his arms back into the sleeves of his kimono, righting his clothing. The crisp material was wrinkled far beyond his capabilities to fix as he retied his obi. Hesitantly, he ran a shaky hand through his tousled hair.

Reiichiro took a deep breath and turned to go back into the bedroom, and at the mere thought of seeing Jinnai half clothed as well, caused his face to flush and his stomach to twist in a tight ache. He flipped the light switch and closed the door behind him, eyes timidly glancing at the bed.

Jinnai had woken in the time he had spent in the bathroom, his deep cobalt gaze catching his across the bedroom, making Reiichiro’s heart beat skip. His co-worker continued to light the cigarette he had posed between his lips, dropping the lighter on the side table as he fixed the position of the pillows he was leaned back on.

“Morning,” Jinnai said, exhaling a puff of smoke.

Reiichiro nodded, his voice a bit raspy, “Good morning.”

Slowly, Reiichiro walked to the bed, and sat at the end on the edge, the emotions raging through him indiscernible and yet so very alive. He grasped the material of his kimono over where his heart was rapidly pounding against his chest. Jinnai shifted in the bed, resting his arm on his bent knee, continuing to smoke in place of the silence.

Jinnai laughed, his voice void of humor, “Can I call a do-over?”

Reiichiro paused before staring down at his lap, chewing on the inside of his cheek, “There… there is n-no need, Jinnai.”

The dark haired male watched the back of his manager’s head, remembering almost quiet vividly of the events of the previous night. The feel of Reiichiro under him as he pressed his knee up between his thighs, and the sounds his manager had made at his hands. Though, he had no clue as to how much of what had happened that Reiichiro remembered, after all the son of the owner had said he hardly drank that much in one sitting.

Nodding his head, Jinnai gave a small smile, pulling a drag off his cigarette, “That’s good to hear.”

And yet there was nothing else that was said, Jinnai could almost feel his resolve crumbling down, could almost feel the tangible emotion that had suddenly overcome his jealousy of not being able to get the position as manager.

He didn’t quiet want to put a label on it, but it was there staring him in the face.

Reiichiro turned to meet his gaze and Jinnai knew, knew exactly what was there.

He exhaled another puff of smoke and gave Reiichiro a lazy grin, who slowly returned it, his face beat red.

What he felt, there was going to be a time when he would have to say it, but at that moment, he didn’t want to. He just wanted Reiichiro to keep smiling so tentatively at him, and he would deal with his feelings later, hopefully much later.

Originally Posted to: fan_flashworks on April 23, 2013.

length: 1001 - 15000, character: ywdil: reiichiro, fandom: you will drown in love, style: pre-slash, type: one-shot, pairing: ywdil: jinnai/reiichiro, rating: pg, warning: none, @ comm: fan_flashworks, genre: romance, character: ywdil: jinnai, media: fanfiction

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