Title: Heartache
kryss_delrheiFandom: Inuyasha
Type: Anime/Manga
Characters/Pairing: Miroku/Sango, Inuyasha/Kagome
Word Count: 428
Genre: General, Friendship, Tragedy
Rating: G
Warning: Character Death
Summary: The scars of the soul never fade completely away.
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha nor the characters, just borrowing them from Rumiko Takahashi for a little while.
Author's Notes: Winners were announced over at
iy_fanfiction on August 28, 2012, as to which this piece took first place.
iy_fanfiction : #40 - Agony
Inuyasha stood silent, his silvery mane caught in the windy draft that slipped through the open valley. The sob that pierced the silence, caused Inuyasha to tremble in his spot, not out of angry, but out of utter incapableness that he found himself in. The fresh soil of the grave shifted as his oldest friend released another heart wrenching cry of pain, his stance feeble and weak.
It was a new wound that scared his soul and all Inuyasha could do was stand there and watch Miroku fall apart from the seams. He swallowed, glancing away to try and find some composure, before he took a step forward and hesitantly placed a strong hand on the monk’s shoulder.
After so many years not much had changed about him, and yet Miroku was the last one, his body aging and old, his skin thin and leathery. He himself had lost Kagome several years prior to sickness and it was a scar that had yet heal on his heart, one he doubted ever would. Inuyasha gave Miroku’s shoulder a squeeze, knowing his friend’s agony completely and to his core.
“She’s gone,” Miroku whimpered, his sobs hardly subsiding.
Inuyasha stayed quiet for a long while, before Miroku turned tired, red-rimmed eyes toward him, “What am I going to do without her Inuyasha?”
The question sliced through him and the hanyou turned sad eyes to his friend, “Live, that’s all you can do.” His ears drooped down, as Inuyasha’s gaze darkened, “It won’t get any easier.”
Miroku swallowed, an aching sob tearing through his chest as he gave another look at the make-shift marker for Sango’s final resting place, “I should have been with her.”
“There’s nothing you could have done, you know that.”
“But I loved her,” Miroku’s heart tore even more.
“She knew,” Inuyasha swallowed his own pain, knowing that it hadn’t been the same for him when Kagome had left him. He hated thinking about her dying, it was just his way of coping with it and he knew Miroku would have to find his own. He inhaled a shallow breath and patted his friend on the shoulder gently, “I’ll give you some time. If you’re not back at the village in an hour, I’ll come find you.”
Miroku nodded slowly, his graying hair frayed from his distress as he lowered himself to the ground using his cane as leverage, “Go.”
Inuyasha nodded, turning and leaving, “Don’t do anything stupid.”
Miroku snorted an answer.
Originally Posted to:
iy_fanfiction on August 6, 2012.