2016 in books

Dec 14, 2016 21:36

Each December, GoodReads thoughtfully provides all its members with a summary of "Your Year in Books." It's rather fun to go back and see what one has read, and the collage of book covers is always lovely.

This year I read 72 books for a total of 23,983 pages (although GR stats only count books read for the first time; including re-reads, my grand total for this year so far is 113 books!). One of my books was also read by 1.9 million other people (The Help), while another was read by only three other people (Promise Island, a good premise disappointingly executed). My shortest "book" for 2016 was 7 pages (a Ted Chiang short story) and my longest was 848 pages (a fantastic collection of women noir authors from the 1940s). Though again, that's only first-time reads; in actuality my longest books this year were Stephen King's The Stand and Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, both of which are perennial re-reads for me.

You can see my summary here -- and check it out, drinkingcocoa's Snape: A Definitive Reading is right there at the top :)

book love, me myself and i, libraries

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