it's official

Jul 11, 2005 23:22

It's official. The director actually referred to me as the stage manager at rehearsal tonight. I had thought that that's what I was, considering my duties, but I didn't want to just assume anything. Plus, I wasn't sure the all adult cast would listen to me. I mean, they've been doing shows together for years. But there you have it. My dad referred to a scripture in Proverbs that talks about how a man's gifts make way for him, or in my case, a woman's :)

It was really awesome today. I've been really struggling and wanting to get closer to God, and today, the songs on the radio seemed like they were playing just for me. It seemed as though each song referred to my situation. I also got a great email from a youth pastor that talked about how even if your faith seems dead that God isn't, and that the fire can come back to the way it was.

I'm still struggling with the issue of college with my parents. I toured Ferrum College today to make my mother happy, but when I told her about it, she said she didn't think she could see me at that school. I liked the theater professor I met, and for a moment, thought I might actually consider going there, but it's so small (only 1,000 students) and the closest anything is at least a 15 min drive from campus. I don't know what to do. Time is running out (to go anywhere). Tuition is due by Aug. 5 to CNU if I'm coming, but I don't know if I'll have everything sorted out by then. And if I don't go to CNU, I don't know what I'll do and I'm worried that they might not take me back.

So, I had a good day, but it was also somewhat stressful in that the issue of school was brought back up again. All I know is that "All things work together for good, to them that love God and are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
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