
Jul 05, 2005 23:47

Wow! I think I just had the best 4th of July ever! John invited me to go to Yorktown beach on the boat with him and his parents. I went despite protests from my parents (oy, parents)and had an awesome time.

John's mom and I cooked all morning, making a spectacular feast for lunch (well, the cake didn't turn out so well :-))I enjoy eating crabs, but I've never seen anyone eat them as fast as John and his dad. They were going to town on the blue crabs. I only managed to eat two. I decided it was too much work for so little meat, but I filled up on the rest of the food.

Getting on the boat and taking off was awesome. After a ways, we even managed to spot some dolphins. That was a neat experience. John wanted to go swimming with them, but that didn't work out, as they tend to disappear when you get close.

John and I were dropped off at Yorktown beach where we waited in line forever to get some Ben and Jerry's. Yum! Then we walked all along the beach and John took me to the Thomas Nelson house and showed me the cannon balls embedded in the wall. Then it was back out on the water to find a good spot to anchor the boat and wait for fireworks. I've never seen so many boats before.

The fireworks got off to a late start, but once they got going, it was amazing. The best show I've ever seen. What was really awesome was hearing the echo on the shoreline. If you closed your eyes, you could imagine what it must have been like on the battlefield when the cannons and guns were going off. Driving home was even more of an adventure, as it was dark. John kept a look-out for crab pots while his dad drove (at a very fast rate I might add ;-)). There's something very suspenseful about being on the water in the dark. Some day I want to spend the night out on the water in a boat.

I had a totally awesome time. The only bad part was having to leave so early the next day. Oh well.

Some pics...

boats at the dock

John looking for dolphins


Thomas Nelson house...can you see the cannon ball?

TN house with another cannon ball

anchored boats waiting for the fireworks to start

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