Week 20 - Vision

Dec 21, 2006 21:08

Vision is an intricate virtue for me in that it encompasses so many other things… Vision is not just SEEING, but understanding and putting everything in perspective. It allows us to see the glass as half full or half empty in relation to other things around us. It allows us to enjoy our lives more by seeing how much we have instead of how little.

It is vision that allows us to plan for retirement, start a business, or even work on a dedicant program. Vision is seeing where you want to go, fantasizing, dreaming, longing, and then going for it. Vision includes things like goal setting, budgeting, planning, thinking out of the box, and other such things, which in my mind all tie together.

It was vision that started ADF- a vision of “a pagan church on every corner”. It is vision that starts every successful venture- every business, every community project, every organization, every everything.

I see myself as both having and not having vision. I use vision to set goals and to keep things on track of where I want to go, but I also am prone to lose my vision, lose my way, and get side tracked. And when I lose my vision, I am lost myself. It doesn’t take me long to reopen my eyes and get back on track, but in losing it, even on occasion, I lose my qualification as a visionary.

I certainly see vision as a true virtue though- after all, it is the one that gives us purpose.

dp, vision, adf

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