I spent a rather interesting evening last night cutting out photocopies from the Jll Salen book and sellotaping them together to get a better comparison of shape. I started because I was going to use one of the stays patterns as a starting point for the next shoot - the 1790 one. It comes up tiny. I'm kicking myself for not photocopying the 1750
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I was having a break last night from cleaning and decorating and thought I'd play with the patterns. It was an interesting exercise. I've been meaning to go through them and do that for a while. But there's always something else to do!
Well, I haven't yet had the pleasure of reading Ms. Salen's book, although it's on my Wish List, but my mind was sort of ruminating on where else you might find patterns, and Nora Waugh's corsets and crinolines came to mind.
I was also thinking about some sites where you might find some of the images---not patterns---of other corsets that you might be interested in.
So....you don't draft your patterns from the images of the styles presented in a book or at a commercial site?
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