I did my grade 4 exam for descant recorder about 3 weeks ago - yes that is the instrument you played at school using your nose! Just heard from my music teacher. I passed. In fact I got a credit!!! W00T!! :) I did grade 3 last November but I'm going to take a bit of a break I think. I might do grade 5 in the new year, I might do the piano. I haven't decided. I don't have to do an exam but I like to have a goal so I do the exams. I might even sit the theory exams. That'd be a challenge. I'm ok on grades 1 and 2. Pretty basic stuff but grade 3 gets tricky. I suck at scales, on instruments and paper and grade 3 is where my memory starts to give up. I know stuff at grade 4 but not enough to think I'll get anything near a pass mark. Anyway, that's all for later. I need to buy a new recorder. I have a wooden one but my plastic everyday recorder has a split in the foot making it loose so it keeps slipping and giving me sharp sounding notes.... I love having a reason to shop :) I'm hoping to go into London and to the I Knit shop in Waterloo. I might go to the Early Music Shop as well and have a look at their extensive recorder collection (then buy the cheapest ;)).
Ravelympics Update:
Have finalised colours for Five. Have to make some pattern notes yet. Yes that's allowed. It's part of what's allowed for training.
Need to make some increase and decrease notes for the Jurassic Jumper too.... then work out where I am on the half finished back.
Other craft stuff:
Have finished spinning about a third of the Prairie Fire fibre. Need a taller chair to sit on while spinning. My inner thigh muscles are very sore today. My hips and lower back aren't too happy either. Want to get it spun and plied before the Ravelympics start on the 8th.
Thinking of making
this in white for my niece for her wedding probably in a pure cotton or silk. She has excema. Don't want to give her anything with wool which might cause irritation and certainly not something that is known to provoke skin reactions like mohair.