My ex tried to kill himself last night. Not sure if it was one of those attention plz suicide attempts or a real failed suicide. I'm inclined to believe the first one though.
He took 90mg of morphine, 8 xanax, 6 somas, 2 vicodin, (poorly made) heroin, & some beer. Atleast that's what the away message said.
I tried calling once last night and again this morning. I also left a message on aim telling him to call me when he got up :P
Around 1 o'clock I get a call on my cell and its him. Suppossedly at one of the hospitals downtown. His car also suppossedly broke down/lit on fire on the way to the hospital for psychiatric treatment this morning. My concern level is quite low.
~~~Now that that's out of the way~~~
Last Wednesday Chris, Roman, & I went to NA. People were very nice. I definitely win title of youngest person there. :D It was slightly impactful. I just know I don't want to end up like the other people in there. And as for their suggestion of attending 90 meetings in 90 days.....yeah right. I'll stick to my once a week meeting.
Went to Guitar Center :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at the
sexy beast of a synth I'm getting .
i r excited.
Life is good.
A little chilly
But good.
And now a little promotion for a band who's street team I'm joining.