The last weekends at home I spent a lot of time by getting rid of books.
Don't get me wrong: I really love my books. But I have so much unread ones that it becomes a burden sometimes.
So I seperated myself from some of my books.
It's a really good feeling to have finally some space in my cramped shelves....
But I destroyed this today by going to a flea market *sigh*
I found some really good books so I couldn't resist....
To calm my guilty conscience I promised myself that I have to read again more books - my goal for this year is to finish at least 4 books until the end of December. One year ago I would have laughed and doubled this number, but now I have to work hard to fullfill my promise and I have to start today... The first book will be: Xinran "What the chinese don't eat" ("Chinesen spielen kein Mao-Mao)
I will report about my progress ^^