amusements (or not)

May 19, 2011 11:22

1. Yesterday, while waiting for J at Hart House, I encountered a guy promoting ukulele lessons in the alcove of one of the main entrances. He gave me an impromptu lesson. While it was fun and I like the lightheartedness of the instrument a lot, I really don't think I'll be adding to my list of extra-curricula.

2. I've been reading VRS's Western Impressions of Nature and Landscape in South-east Asia. I had to get it on interlibrary loan, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It's a great read, really quite humourous, and I'm finding it quite inspiring while I'm writing my own dissertation. Dude writes like he speaks.

3. Had a good basketball game on Tuesday evening. Had a lot of fun, probably because we were up the entire time, and there was no pressure. Our opponents were new to the league, and very young, and seemed to have only one play.

4. We watched Thor and Scre4m last Friday. They were relatively amusing, but I was a little bit put off by how incredibly loud Scre4m was in the cinema. The Scream franchise needs to stop. It's really going down the tubes. As for Thor, I'd been looking forward to it since the end of Iron Man 2. I love comic-book movies, have loved them ever since Spawn, my first, but to be honest, the slapstick humour pandering to children and the general mass audience is wearing me down. There are only so many times I can watch a trite laugh-inducer trope, like Thor being hit by the car, before I start questioning my intelligence (because I'm questioning the intelligence of all the other people laughing in the cinema). Are you serious? Am I serious? Shit, I think I'm becoming a movie snob.

Oh wait.

5. One thing about Singapore's GE, and the aftermath. Now, I'm annoyed as anybody that the GRC system paved the way for somebody nobody wanted in parliament to actually get into parliament, but all the sexist, personal remarks have got to stop. It makes me ill that people are going around calling her "slut" and "whore" for no better reason than they dislike her. The Internet is an awesome thing, and I appreciate being able to get my news through alternative platforms, but the lowest common denominator that it also panders to makes me realise that while as a whole we appear to be more critical every GE cycle, the intelligence of the average member of the electorate is still rather infantile. Grow up, people. It's hard to take you (and your comments) seriously.

I need to stop reading the comments on the media posts. Sigh.

sports, read, movie, politics

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