I'm worth $1,558,388.95! How much are
you worth?
-I'm on Cape Cod right now
-theres no snow down here, just rain
-I'm deffinitly going to England in February
-I bought a new black lacy bra
-my grandmother is wonderfully crazy
-my cousin has a pain in the ass boyfriend
-my other cousin is almost 29 and hes the coolest one
-I still love my icon
-I leanred how to text Chris for free and have been (I think) messing with his head while hes been in France
-my dads sweatshirt is too small for him and its funny
-I'm liking my character in the play more and more as I learn that shes not only a whore but a ditz too, tremendous
-I'm done
Much love,
Kira Mae