
Mar 17, 2006 11:23

LJ Interests meme results

  1. brit lit:
    I love the brits. I love victorian literature. Although recently I have been into some american writeers, for a while there, I thought that all great literature came from Britain.
  2. daydreams:
    I daydream alot. Especially when driving. not good. they usually include me in pretty dresses.
  3. gardens:
    I want one!!!! My house has no room for a garden. :(
  4. hostory:
    uhhh... I am a terrible speller. this is supossed (spelling? gah, I can't even spell supposed!!!!!) to be history. I like history. particularly clothing history
  5. keanu reeves:
    he made my life in Moulin Rouge...
  6. paper dolls:
    I have ALWAYS collected paperdolls, which probley spurred on teh whole costuming thing. They are all Tom Teirney paperdolls with historical fashions on. A lot of them, I have found, are actually outfits inspired by many fashion plates I see in books and online. I also just inherited a bunch of "paper dolls" from my deceased great-aunt which are actually magazine cut-outs from magazine from about 1900-1919. I'll have to post some of those. Absolutely inspiring.
  7. regency:
    the only period, before I even thought historical costuming was a hobby, that I wanted a dress from.
  8. sewing:
    addicted!!!!! I love to sew!!!!!!
  9. the romantics:
    the romantic movement. Austin, Dickens, Eliot, Throllope, atc.
  10. ywam:
    Youth With A Mission. A missionary training school I applied for with bases all over the world. A really great organization.

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