Different View

Sep 17, 2009 03:42

Title: Different View
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother
Characters/Pairing: Barney/Robin
Rating: PG
Summary: Hidden moments of Barney/Robin the Pilot
Disclaimer: dont own How I Met Your Mother

She knows she should be comforting Monica right now, nobody likes to get dumped after all. But if she’s really honest with herself she knows that after Simon, she never gave someone the power to hurt her like that ever again. Even though she’s no longer the Canadian pop star she once was and by no means a naïve, insecure teenager, the hurt she felt after that rejection still lingers after all these years. So really she could relate to her friend but it’s just very hard when a few meters away from her there’s standing a really, really hot guy by the bar. She had spotted him immediately when he came waltzing into the bar and he’s working the room like a pro. He’s wearing a suit which is just ridiculous in a bar like this but he’s making it work. She sees him cheering up his friend while simultaneously observing the woman around him and eventually chatting someone up who seems really dumb but also up for an evening of fun. She’s beginning to feel like a stalker when suddenly he turns around and looks her square in the eye… Damn he’s hot…

He’s standing at the bar when he suddenly feels a burning sensation at his back, like someone is staring at him. The busty blonde by his side is a six at best, so of course he turns around and his eyes immediately connect with a pair of enticing blue ones. They stay connected that way for at least a minute and this suddenly starts to feel way too much like some sort of moment straight out the kind of movies he never watches because he’s way too awesome for that, so he’s breaking the spell. What the hell is he thinking? Where did that come from? He swears he feels the awesome leak out of him, being replaced by Ted-germs and still lingering Shannon-issues. Still he cannot help but look up again and she’s still standing there and she’s still looking at him and what he reads in those eyes confuse him. He sees neither adoration in her eyes like in those of the bimbos he manipulates into sleeping with him, nor disgust like in the eyes of women who don’t fall into his web or the ones he throws out after they have had the most legendary evening of their life with him because he’s awesome. No, she’s looking at him like she’s curious, like she’s trying to figure him out, and damn if that doesn’t make him feel uncomfortable. “See that girl over there?” “Yeah-“  He wants to say ‘dibs’ but then he sees the look in Ted’s eyes “-you just know she likes it dirty”…

“Hi, have you met Ted?” She sees him coming her way in the corner of her eye and then he touches her back and it tingles. “Let me guess… Ted?” Sometimes she likes to think that because her dad raised her as a boy for so long that he eventually turned her into one (well emotionally at least, because come on, this rack…), because she’s totally using the talk-to-the-ugly-friend-to-the-get-the-hot-one move with this Ted-person. Not that Ted is ugly but… yeah. She must be really desperate for hot-friend, because she even agrees to a date the next night. She sees Monica fuming at her across the bar, so she throws her drink in Ted’s face and stalks off…


He sees a flash of green when he exits the bathroom and suddenly he’s attacked by the lips of the mysterious girl with the blue eyes. He tries to push her off for about four seconds when he decides what the heck, it’s not like Ted doesn’t already know he’s an asshole and besides, it’s not like he will have to know. Also, he’s just really liking the way she feels pressed up against him. When they eventually break apart they’re both breathing heavily, she’s flushed a little bit and yeah that’s definitely arousal he sees in her eyes. “I’m being a real bad bro right now”

“Are you gay?” She really doesn’t mean to say that, it just blurts out, because the way he was kissing her before… definitely not gay. She feels the beginning of a blush, but then he just chuckles at her and it sounds dirty and full of promises. She sees a smirk on his face and her lips curl into a smirk of her own. “Want to get out of here?” they simultaneously ask and they decide that she will go to the bar across the street to wait for him and that he will ditch Ted.

He knows he’s really being a bad bro, that he will not be writing about this in his blog, but there’s something about this girl that pulls him in, almost enough to not feel guilty. But the way Ted is Tedding this whole situation up is not helping… at all. Half an hour later he can’t take it anymore so he picks up the blonde from earlier, high fives Ted and walks out of McLaren’s.

She feels a pang in her chest and takes a deep breath when she sees him coming out of the bar with the blonde on his arm, but when she sees them breaking apart the second the door closes she breaths out in relief. ‘Get a hold of yourself’ He halts an taxi, sends the blonde on her way and walks across the street. “Needed an plausible excuse”

“Yeah, you did” And she holds out her fist for him to bump it and he knows, he just knows… “Awesome” In the cap to her home they keep looking at each other like two little kids who are up to no good, like two conspirators who know what they’re about to do will most definitely get them into trouble, but mostly like two people who don’t care about all that, who are maybe a little too selfish and just like to be naughty. As soon as they enter her apartment she locks the dogs away and jumps him in her living room. From there on it becomes a blur of movements and feelings and afterwards when they lay in her bed he doesn’t get the urge to run away, all he wants to do is hold her. It confuses the hell out of him but he doesn’t bolt, instead he rolls into her and she snuggles into his chest. They lay there for a couple of minute when they suddenly break apart and stare wide-eyed at each other.

“Oh my God”

“Oh my God”

“I don’t want to run away”

“I don’t want to send you away”

“Why would you? I’m awesome”

And she laughs then, because… seriously? But when she thinks about it, ‘awesome’ would be a good way to describe this evening. So she decide to just do what feels right - she snuggles back up against him. And when he wraps his arms around her and his breathing evens out, for the first time in years she feels safe. And with that last thought she lets herself fall asleep too.


She sits across from Ted and she can’t seem to stop herself from laughing constantly. It kind of gives Ted the entirely wrong idea because he’s looking really pleased with himself. It’s just that Barney warned her of Ted’s complete lameness this morning, but unlike his statement last night he really is a good bro, because in reality Ted is way more lame then Barney made him sound. That olive trick he told her worked like a charm, but she thinks even Barney couldn’t predict that Ted would compare a blue French horn to a smurf penis. It stings her a little bit that Ted does mention Lily and Marshall but doesn’t mention the guy who’s responsible for her being there, even though Barney already told her Ted wouldn’t. (“Please, Ted’s afraid of mentioning me because I’m way more awesome”)


*You were right. I’m glad I went. He is lame :) @metro news 1 right now, meet me after?

*Sure. am @McLaren’s right now with the man of the hour … Tedding out :)

*Talk him down

*Will only make it worse. Trust me, I would know

* :(

*Am @home, c u in  20 min?

*In cab right now with Ted


*He suited up

Oh my god, he must be stopping this real fast because she’s definitely going to get him in trouble with Ted. But this morning when the awkwardness still hadn’t come and she revealed she used Ted in order to get him, he just didn’t care. He jumped into the shower with her and when they were having breakfast (!) she asked him what she should do about the date. She wanted to call Ted to tell him she had reconsidered but he told her to go this evening, that it would amuse her and that they could meet up afterwards. It’s only now when they sit in the cab on their way to Brooklyn with that blue French horn that he finally seems to remember how much of a sap Ted really is. And what girl in her right mind would choose a bit of fun in the sack above big romantic gestures?


“He told me he loved me!!!” Well apparently Robin was that girl. As she’s shrieking into his ear about Ted’s stupid declaring of love, he can’t help but smile fondly of her, she really is something else. Ok granted, everyone would freak out about something like that, but she is really freaking out, bordering on hysteria freaking out. He wishes he could be there to see it, but he must be there for his best friend right now. Later when Ted pukes all over her doormat and they run away together with Ranjit he suddenly stops mid-run and turns. Ted looks questioningly at him and he shrugs. “Got to remove the doormat, go ahead to the cab.” When she opens her door she looks a little afraid of who she will find but as soon as she sees it’s him she breaks out in a smile.

She shouldn’t be so glad to see someone she only meet yesterday, but she just can’t help herself. She throws her arms around him and kisses him. And when they come up for air he just smiles and proceeds to say the best thing ever.

“Robin, one way or another, this is gonna be legen - wait for it - dary !”

character: robin, tv: himym, pairing: barney/robin, character: barney

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