oh bother.

Sep 26, 2004 15:22

x Working: on not being dizzy
x Reading: 'geisha,a life'
x Watching: tony play 'day of reckoning'
x Talking: to myself
x singing: nothin
x Wanting: ketchup
x Eating: nothin
x Drinking: water
x Smelling: air freshner stuff
x Missing: you
x Quoting: 'look when people turn their backs on you like that,it's better to just ignore them and pee on their lawns' ~ briee
x Hating: when people who you thought were your friends,turn their backs on you and completely forget you exist,especially when you really need them..gee thanks assholes.
x Loving: my family,my mommy,my daddy,my other mommy and tomby and baby that's not here yet.and also all the friends that were there for me through all the craziness the past few months...especially.a certain retard who's name starts with an A.and a certain girly girl who's name starts with a B.(andi and briee because i know you guys are slow)(hee hee)

SHA-BAM!i'm updating.it's my ritual to update once a month when the moon is full.

life's been busy.working and being sick has taken most of my time.morning sickness sucks.SUCKS!i lost wieght but my tummy is growing...crazyness.

i have the first ever picture of my baby.it's an ultrasound picture and my baby just looks like a blobby alien with a huge head but i still think he or she is the cutest blobby alien EVER.my poor kid he's gonna grow up and read this and be like "MOM!why are you calling me a blobby alien!!I HATE YOU!'haha i can't wiat until my kid becomes a rebellious teenager.i'll just point and laugh and go...'how cute!you're rebelling!!' then i'll but billy idol on full blast and rebel yell until my kid can't stand me anymore.poor kid...poor poor kid.

tomato sandwiches are yummy.especially at 1 am.

work's been pretty cool.i've gotten to know alot more people and started coming out of my shell more.everyone's really nice and laid back and fun.people are always pulling pranks on eachother.it's quite entertaining.i feel special because i get to sit on a special people chair when i'm working,since i'm preggy and all.

life's been getting better now that i'm talking to my family again.i missed them all so much.i've spent alot of time with my mommy and my younger siblings.they've grown up int he 7 months that i stopped seeing them.my lil brother is like....15 and is all angry gothed out.he carry's his guitar everywhere,grew his hair out and wears only black.i think it's soooo cute.silly goth kids.

yesterday i spent the day with my stepmother.we baked a cake together.wholesome fun!lol.i kinda burnt the cake a lil but it's still good.

but most of my time is spent at home in bed feeling sick and reading.yucky.not to the reading but to the sicky part.i get up at 6 am every weekday to watch the new adventures of winnie the pooh.i don't why but lately i find it to be very cute and entertaining.

anywho,i'm gonna go now.i'm feeling too dizzying to keep typing.
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