Welp. I guess this is me trying to restart my lj again. I spend almost all my time on Tumblr and latey, when I look for fic, I've been trawling archiveofourown but I have had some serious LJ cravings recently and it's crazy to think that a few years ago, this was where all the fandom happenings were at. DID I TAKE THOSE YEARS FOR GRANTED? I DON'T KNOW. WHEN DID FANDOM EVEN HAVE A GOLDEN AGE?
But seriously, I think I'm going to try and blog more or at least write more comprehensively here because it's something that I've really missed about the way I consume my tv and film. It's just so easy to reblog a gifset without adding anything beyond a pithy comment or capslocked keyboard mashing that I don't even know if I can actually express myself clearly about the things I hate and love in fandom and maybe I'm thinking way too hard about this but I find it kind of worrying, both because my writing is deteriorating and because it perpetuates a really surfacey sort of interaction with stuff that I can get way too easily sucked into.
I want to write stupidly lengthy posts about episodes again and flail over upcoming things (and writing stupidly lengthy posts about why) and just get back into that weirdly awesome rhythm I once set myself when I wrote frequently and freely, not even purely about entertainment but about...everything. I know, lofty aspirations for what will most probably be a fangirly blog purely about pretty people and femslash but whatever, let's see what happens.
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They released this clip from that new movie, Pitch Perfect (aka. COLLEGE GLEE).
lol I have listened to this so many times in the past day, mainly because it's awesome (Hey Glee! Remember when your musical numbers actually made people feel something? Apart from indignant rage?) but also because I am a total sucker for these sort of movies that are all about girls and their shenanigans. It's been so long since I've had the chance to see something from that glorious subgenre of film that I'm like 9th-grader levels of excited about this movie.
Also, I love Anna Kendrick who's pretty much great in just about everything and I enjoy the vague hilarity of Hollywood still casting age-inappropriate actresses even as college students. Come on, evangelical True Blood wife does NOT look like a college kid! (That may just be me being old though because now that I'm graduating soon, I think uni students look like BABIES). And Brittany Snow! Who somebody keeps trying to make happen but never really does but I find her kind of charming so I really hope she breaks out somehow? Geez, I don't know. I may also be eagerly anticipating that even though Anna Kendrick will end up with the primary male acapella antagonist/charming smartass, well written femslash will inevitably surface on the internet. It just has to. How can fic not flourish in a movie where a girl gets recruited while singing in the communal showers and comes up with a mashup that keeps all its female pronouns intact? Please, lesser things have caused shipping riots.