For all matter what color, gender, race, whatever

Feb 18, 2004 10:56

It has a lot of "trigger words" (ie: words that people will stop reading because they are reacting badly too them because of social stigmas) in this paragraph, but I urge you to read to the end. This book is really amazing and I recommend it to any human.

From bell hooks "Ain't I a Woman?"

As people of color, our struggle against racial imperialism should have taught us that wherever there exists a master/slave relationship, an oppressed/opressor relationship, violence, mutiny, and hatred will permeate all elements of life. There can be no freedome for black men as long as they advocate subjugation of black women. There can be no freedom for patriarchal men of all races as long as they advocate subjugation of women. Absolute power for patriarchs is not freeing. The nature of fascism is such that it controls, limits, and restricts leaders as well as the people fascists oppress. Freedom (and by that term I do not mean to evoke some wish-washy hang-loose-do-as-you-like world) as positive social equality that grants all humans the opportunity to shape their destinies in the most healthy and communally productive way can only be a complete reality when our world is no longer racist or sexist. (I would include "genderist" amongst other things)

philosophy, feminism

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