Drabble Meme

Apr 24, 2008 01:31

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

Some of these are really cracked-out, and they're all kind of bad, but this was hard. All Panic, various characters.

1. City - Sara Bareilles

Brendon drove into Las Vegas just as the sun was setting over the desert, and the streetlights flickered on as he went under the sign welcoming him.

He couldn’t help but wish he’d never left, wish that things hadn’t gotten so ridiculously fucked up. He’d been happy here, he thought. It hadn’t been a bad life, he’d loved his family, and they’d loved him. It just hadn’t been the life he’d wanted.

But now he was just trying to survive, and it was amazing how much you missed the familiar. So things were okay professionally, but personally? They were a big mess, and he just wanted to be home. He wanted to be hugged by his mother, tight enough that he could just hold on. He didn’t want to feel like this anymore, like the world was falling apart on him.

He drove into the city proper and turned onto the street that would lead him to the neighborhood he’d grown up in and took a deep breath as he slowed down on the street that his parents lived. It’d been a couple years since he’d lived there, but it was still home. He just hoped he’d be welcome there. He parked and held his breath, getting out of the car and walking to the door. He released the breath he’d been holding just as the door opened, and there stood his mother.

He was home.

2. Bottle it Up - Sara Bareilles

Ryan wrote the words and rolled his eyes at himself. He didn’t know what hell he was thinking about these days, but the passion he’d had when he wrote their first album was gone, and now he was left with rainbows and butterflies, for God’s sake.

And it wasn’t like his lyrics needed to make a whole lot of sense, seriously, they were known for having lyrics that didn’t make sense, but they needed to at least have some fucking angst, or people wouldn’t know it was Panic.

But God, he was so fucking happy these days, he didn’t think he had any angst to write. Really, Brendon should write all the songs on this album. His love life was a big fucking mess, unlike Ryan’s.

He smiled to himself. For once, Ryan’s life was okay. And seriously, that was kind of awesome. His girlfriend wasn’t cheating on him, he’d reconciled himself with his father’s help, and he was in love. He was disgustingly happy. He should write a song about that.

3. Gay Messiah - Rufus Wainwright

Brendon stared at himself in the mirror, admiring his sparkly t-shirt and low-riding jeans. One of these days, he thought, the world will recognize me as the gayest man in all the land. I’ll ride in on my sparkly scooter, and people will bow down to me.

He flashed a smile at the mirror. Seriously, he was the prettiest thing to hit Vegas since Elvis in his good years, and he deserved recognition. He couldn’t wait until that day, when the world congratulated him on his gay fashion sense, and listened to his gay words of wisdom. It was going to be a beautiful day.

And since Brendon was a beautiful gay man, it was fitting, he figured, that he wear the crown as the gay messiah. He just wished the world would hurry up and recognize it. He was sick of having to buy his own damn drinks.

4. Almost Time - Jason Webley

Spencer stared at Ryan where he was sitting, folded up in the corner of Spencer’s bedroom. He was drawn into himself, gone to that place that Spencer could never really touch.

He knew it was coming, knew that soon Ryan would be leaving. He’d said it so many times, said he couldn’t stay there, stay with his dad any longer, but he’d never actually thought Ryan would do it.

Things were different now, though. Things were worse, and they’d been pretty awful to begin with. Spencer didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to help. He sat down next to Ryan and rested his hand on Ryan’s knee, not saying anything.

Ryan’s head moved to rest against the wall, and in the silence of Spencer’s room, he tried to figure out what to say. In the end, he just stayed quiet.

Ryan would be leaving, any day now. And Spencer, Spencer would go with him. There was no point in staying if Ryan was gone, anyway. And there were some things you couldn’t live without. For him, that was Ryan.

They’d make it out together.

5. Somewhere Only We Know - Keane

Ryan had this place he’d always go when they were on tour, trapped together for hours on end. Whenever they stopped at a venue, he’d climb to the top of the bus and lay on the roof for an hour, staring up at the sky. He figured it was the most privacy he’d be able to get, because no one ever climbed up there but him.

He’d write song lyrics in the clouds, dreaming up melodies that would accompany them. He’d write entire songs in moments that later he’d forget.

No one ever knew where he’d disappear to; he’d made sure of that. They mostly thought he was walking around the venue, wanting to be by himself, and Ryan was happy with that. The last thing he needed was Brendon climbing up to talk, or Spencer coming up to make sure he was okay.

Ryan was fine, this was just his time, his hour that he could spend alone. It was almost impossible to really be alone on tour, but for an hour a day, he managed to pretend that it was just him and the sky.

He lived for that hour.

6. I Only Wanted Sex - Jann Arden

Ryan stared at her, feeling sick in his bones as she walked out the door.

How long, he thought, had things been falling apart? How long had she been pretending? From the beginning, he had a feeling. He just didn’t understand it, didn’t understand why she’d done what she did.

He’d tried to make this work, God, tried so hard, and all she ever wanted from him was no strings attached? Nothing but sex whenever she wanted it? And she’d known he’d been falling in love with her. Known that Ryan was weaving dreams of them spending the rest of their lives together.

God, he was such a fucking fool. She’d dropped the box of his belongings by the door with a smirk and walked right out the door. No parting words, just a wicked laugh as the door closed behind her.

So, okay. She’d been using him. Well, fuck that shit. He’d use her ass to get a hit record. He smiled to himself a little, and went to write.

7. Wine Red - The Hush Sound

Brendon stared at the apple on the table in the dressing room. It was the deepest red he’d ever seen, shiny and tempting. It was like that apple in Snow White, he thought. Too perfect to be anything but fake, hiding evil beneath its red skin.

He walked forward as though in a spell and slowly reached out to trace a finger down its surface, his hand shaking a little.

It’s so beautiful, he thought, feeling drugged. He just wanted to taste it, even knowing that it couldn’t be real, couldn’t be good. His hand grasped the fruit and he slowly raised it to his mouth, his mind shouting “stop!” Biting in, he closed his eyes as the juice ran down his chin.

It was the best apple he’d ever tasted, was the last thought he had before the door opened, and Ryan entered.

“Hey! Get your hands off my fruit, I was saving that for later!”

8. Chocolate - Snow Patrol

Brendon stood next to Ryan on the stage, staring out at the empty seats. They would be filling before long, he knew. Filling with people there to see them.

They’d just been playing around in Spencer’s Grandmother’s house, for God’s sake, and now they were playing stadiums. It was insane. He looked over at Ryan, who was staring out with a look of awe on his face, equally stunned.

This was their life, and sometimes when Brendon woke up in the morning he was scared to death he’d open his eyes and he’d be back in his old bedroom, and this had all been a dream. He laughed suddenly, sharp and happy, echoing through the air.

Ryan looked over at him and grinned, sharing in the moment. Brendon impulsively reached out and grabbed his hand.

This was their lives, and it was the best damn life he could have ever dreamed of.

9. Checkmarks - The Academy Is

Spencer stared across the parking lot to where Brendon was standing alone, his hands in his pockets. Feeling twin pangs of longing and disgust, he turned away, staring at the bus waiting for them.

So yeah, he’d fucked Brendon last night, and maybe it’d been a bad idea, but it’s not like Brendon hadn’t wanted it. It’s not like he hadn’t been begging for it. And Spencer remembered how it was with Brendon two years ago, when he’d been fucking anything with two legs, male or female. So now that he’d matured, he could get pissed that Spencer wanted to fuck around a little?

And maybe it hadn’t been the best move he’d made, fucking one of his best friends, but it’s not like they hadn’t fooled around before. It’s not like he didn’t remember making Brendon pant around him on their first tour.

So fuck the guilt, Brendon could just get over himself. They both knew what last night was, and they both knew that when tonight rolled around, he’d be wanting it again.

10. Your Heart is an Empty Room - Death Cab for Cutie

Brendon stared at the girl lying on the bed in the middle of the hotel room. It was weird, he thought. He couldn’t even remember her name. Had he ever even asked it?

He walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him, and stared at himself in the mirror. This is kind of fucked up, Urie. How many girls had he woken up with in the past year, never actually knowing them, only knowing the clutch of their hands around his dick, the scrape of their nails against his back.

He turned the shower on as hot as it would go and stepped inside, letting the heat wash down on him, warming him when he was so cold.

He was in a pattern, he thought. Fuck a new girl every night, wake up, shower her off of him, then join Ryan at breakfast where they’d talk about nothing.

And Brendon never told what he’d done the previous night, even though he knew Ryan must have known.

New pattern, he thought. From now on, it’d just be Brendon at night, and Ryan in the morning.

He smiled to himself. He could live with that.

music, meme, drabbles, bandom

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