a bene placito; nc-17; C/C

Jun 19, 2012 10:17


HEY LOOK I WROTE SOMETHING THAT ISN'T SOLDIER!CLINT. Yes, I know, I suck, but I really felt like writing some porn and I wanted to kick my Muse in the butt so...I went for it and wrote Clint and Phil and a pool table. I like imagining that Phil actually lives in a really super posh condo on top of the world (well, Manhattan). It speaks to me. So there. I wrote it.

Title: a bene placito, Rating: NC-17, Word Count: ~2,300, Summary: Clint, Phil, an evening, a pool table, a bet = sex. PWP.

On AO3

really now avengers?, fic, phil/clint

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