Marathoning Strike Back: Project Dawn, and, my fuck, it this is in any way accurate in the way soldiers act when on missions, I understand much better how Steve acts sometimes, with the random violence and all that. These guys don't stop to think about saving lives and will abandon civilians if they're a liability to the mission. They're killing mercilessly and throw themselves into danger with little thought behind it.
This show is terribly gritty and bloody and probably very very triggering for a lot of people for a lot of reasons (the violence is not only physical) but I really like it. Also, seeing slash everywhere, and it's not because the two main characters are fucking women left and right that they're not into each other, either...There is, sadly for me, no fic.
I kinda want a crossover, because Steve would get on with these guys so well, all the while Danny would seriously question everybody's sanity and hate hate haaaaate Scott, and not just because of the flirting with Steve ^_^.
Is anybody watching this? It really keeps on making me think about the way Steve acts.
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