The Artful Dodger Rides Again (Sept 20)

Sep 21, 2009 05:45

Yeah, I'm behind. And the trip is almost over. Which is just as well, because at Brick Lane market (or perhaps Spitalfields) a latter-day Artful Dodger boosted my brand new iPhone from my purse.

Ellen cleverly got the international operator to connect us free to AT&T's help line so we could get the phone and data service suspended, and we made a report at the local police station in case Am Ex's purchase insurance will cover the loss. The WPC was very sweet and sympathetic, and attempted to guide us to a tea shop to recruit nature after our experience, but, er, we couldn't find it. She's coming to New York next week. We hope she has a lovely time.

How grateful am I that the AD didn't get my wallet or my passport or anything that really makes life and travel possible? Very. How peeved am I that I hadn't synchronized my iPhone lately, and thus lost a lot of really cool pictures I'd taken? Extremely. Have I learned a lesson from any of this? I certainly hope so.

whining, london, travel

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