Jul 12, 2009 22:01
So I am here. This is what I have done so far:
1. Jenni and I went to this bar on 82nd called Utopia with her friend John. It was primarily a karaoke bar for Vietnamese folk so we didn't understand the words they were singing, but it was great because they were really into it and you could tell they were singing these super emotional love ballads. It was pretty great. We also watched this show called Party Down. So good. So funny.
2. Had class. We spent 8 hours looking at the river studying what makes it healthy/unhealthy. It was really interesting and beautiful and we also saw buffalo. Crazy. Never would have expected buffalo in the suburbs.
3. Biked everywhere. Love.
4. Met up with McKenzie for Pix Block party. We saw The Shaky hands play outside for free! It was amazing. They were great live. I also ran into a bunch of old co-workers from Pix and they were all happy to see me which made m feel really good. Rachael (old boss) told me she'd hire me back as on-call until she could hire hire me. So that's fucking fantastic. I want to move back!
5. Went to the Grilled Cheese Grill after show with McKenzie. The best grilled cheese ever. We ate it inside a bus and drank wine and somehow lost my keys and wow I love Portland. My grilled cheese had brie and red peppers and was perfect.
6. Went to Food Church this morning with MZ. It's this thing on Sundays where you can go and get fucking bakery delicious bread and vegetables and pastries and amazing food for free, and all of these kids come on their bikes and then stand around talking and it's better than real church because it's all about community and food.
7. Watched Seven Samurai. Long. Movie.
8. Watched Dreams. Really. Good. Movie.
9. On a non-Portland note, I got called for an interview for Half Price Books. Cool!