Apr 28, 2008 10:15
Yeah, I title a *lot* of posts like that. :D
Anyway. This Friday is when we find out if my child has an "open personality" or is one who likes to keep their secrets. Yes, indeed. It's that time. I'll be at 20 weeks, which is an excellent time to determine the gender of the baby. (Gender begins to show at 16 weeks but it's always a good idea to give it time to well and truely form before trying to guess if it's a boy or a girl.) Aiden and I have decided that since we want 2 of each (that's 2 boys and 2 girls for those not following) and we've got names picked out for almost all of them, it really doesn't matter which one the first one is - either way we've gotten what we want. :D And, if our child likes to keep secrets, it's not like we're not going to find out in September anyway.
Also, in related news, last Friday night (that'd be April 25th), the baby kicked for the first time. Like literally did a one-two punch then kick. Aiden was so proud. He's already looking forward to taking the tike to martial arts class and then practicing katas at home. :shakes head: Yeah, I know; but I knew what I was getting into when I married him. :D And the baby has continued to make he/rself known daily since then. It's usually either in bed at night or in bed in the morning. There have been random occasions during the day with activity but nothing definatel like "the baby moves at 2pm" sort of thing.
Also, to continue the theme, my body had finally realized that it's pregnant. In my first trimester I actually *lost* about 15 lbs. I'm in my forth month and I've just gained 10 of those lbs. back. YAY! Dude, being pregnant and underweight is *not* a good idea. And I've finally moved from having to almost force myself to eat to being actively hungry about every two hours. Which is good for baby, bad for budget. But I'm guessing that's the reason for the weight gain. I think I'm supposed to gain about 25-35 lbs. - I think. But I'm measuring from when I started being pregnant not from when I realized I was pregnant so I should (eek!) get up to 150-160 lbs. Maybe not. My mom claims to have only gained 8 lbs. when preggers with me and I came out being a 10 lbs. baby. :shrug: Whatever.
And my mother-in-law (along with Del, my Aunt Brenda and a friend from church) are all hosting/helping with my baby shower sometime in July. Which reminds me, I need to send Darlene a list of people to invite from my side of things.
Ok, I think that's it with baby news.
Blessed be,