Mar 26, 2007 20:15
And a survey for me to take and you to read.
T h e | B a s i c s | a n d | s t u f f . . .
- Name: Delia Goldrick
- Birthplace: Evergreen Park, IL
- B-day Month: July
- Current Location: Family room
- Eye color: Blue
- Hair color: Brown
- Original Hair Color: Brown
- Height: 5'5
- Righty or Lefty: Righty
- Zodiac sign: cancer
- Your heritage: Irish
- Shoes you wore today: none i was home sick
- Your weakness: i'm shy
- Your strengths: i'm loyal
- Your fears: not having a date to prom! people not liking me. college.
- Your perfect pizza: cheese n sausage. palermos
- Goal you'd like to achieve: lose weight!! get a date for prom
- Your thoughts first waking up: i didn't do my homework...again.
- Your bedtime: like 11
- Your most missed memory: this ones hard
Pepsi or coke: neither, i haven't drank pop in a while
- McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds
- Single or Group dates:
- Best friends: too many to name
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no :(
- Adidas or Nike: Nike
- Lipton ice tea or Nestea: Lipton
- Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate!!
-Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
- Smoke: I've tried it, but i hate the smell
- Cuss: yes...a lot.
- Sing: i loveeee to sing
- Take a shower everyday: not on sundays.
- Have a crush: No, but I'm obsessed with yeah i guess i do. haha.
- Want to go to college: yeah
- Where: Loyola, but I'm going to Lewis
- Like(d) high school: yeah..i think i liked this year more than any other.
- Believe in yourself: Yes, I do.
- Get motion sickness: no
- Think you're attractive: if i try, i look decent. like when i straighten my hair
- Think you're a health freak: i'm getting better. i'm trying to lose weight.
- Get along with your parent(s): for the most part.
- Like thunderstorms: yeah, but i hate when it gets humid the next day
- Play an instrument: I CAN PLAY THE PIANO...kinda.
- Ambition: to go to college and have fun.
- Country/Place you would most like to visit: Italy, France
I n | t h e | p a s t | m o n t h . . .
- Drank alcohol: yeah
- Smoked: yeah, not a lot
- Done a drug: yeah
- Had sex : no
- Made out: no, i need to get some
- Gone on a date: no.
- Gone to the mall: no
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: i haven't eaten oreos in like 2 years
- Eaten sushi: no
- Been on stage: yes
- Been dumped: No
- Made homemade cookies: no
Gone skinny dipping: not in teh past month
- Dyed your hair: no, i got highlights once, but never again
- Stolen anything: yes haha
H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
- If so, was it mixed company: Yeah
- Been extremely trashed or extremely intoxicated: it's scary
- Been caught, you know: i've never been caught doing anything immoral, if that's what you mean?
- Been called a tease: oh yeah
- Gotten beaten up: i got hit in the nose and it swelled up
- Shoplifted: yes
- Changed who you were to fit in: i get quiet when i don't know people
- Age you hope to be married: late late 20s
- Described your dream wedding: i don't long as i'm marrying my dream guy.
- Thought about how you want to die: quickly
s t u f f . . .
- Best eye color: i dont care..eyes are cool
- Best hair color: brunette
I n | y o u r | l i f e . . .
# of drugs taken illegally: 1
# of people I could trust with my life: i think 3
# of CDs that I own: a lot
# of piercings: 3...2 in one ear and 1 in the other?
# of tattoos: 0
# of scars on my body: um..i have one on my face and one on my back
S p e c i f i c s . . .
- What are you most scared of?: Being alone and getting old, people finding out what i really think of them
- What are you listening to right now?: none
- Who is the last person that called you?: Lauren
- How many buddies are online right now?: 32
- How many are away: 15
- What would you change about yourself?: my thighs/ stomach/arms/ EVERYTHING!
F a v o r i t e . . .
- Food: pizza from nonna's...i kinda want that right now
- Subject(s) in school: Music Tech haah
- Color: Blue, Green
- Animal(s): dog
- Sport(s): volleyball
H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Given anyone a bath?: my dog
- Got high?: haha scary
- Bungee jumped?: no
- Made yourself throw up?: Yeah, but it was because i would have burst
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yeah..
- Pictured your crush naked?: god that's weird
- Actually seen your crush naked?: No
- Cried when someone died?: Yes
- Lied?: who hasn't, honestly?
- Fallen for your best friend?: well, no, but the guys i like usually end of being good friends of mine (after i stop liking them haha)...IT'S SO WEIRD HOW TRUE THAT IS!!
- Been rejected?: yeah
- Rejected someone?: yessir
- Used someone?: probably, but i can't remember
- Done something you regret?: yes
R i g h t | n o w . . .
- Clothes you're wearing: relay for life shirt n pink capris
- Music you're listening to: television
- Time where you are: 8:32 PM
- Annoyance: my head hurts
- Smell: my hair smells good
L a s t | p e r s o n | y o u . . .
- Touched: my mom
- Hugged: isabel
- IM'd: Brenda
- Yelled at: probably someone in play
- Felt sorry for: amanda
- Missed terribly: Niamh n Clay for some reason...i think it was because of state
- Felt loved by: Brenda, Bea-- as usual
- Spoke to: my mom
- Cried to: the girls in play
- Cried over: have no idea.
Pe o p l e | A s s o c i a t i o n . . .
(Name the people that you associate with the following words)
- Open minded: Brenda
- Insecure: Me
- Interesting: Lillian...she always has a fun story
- Random: Theresa Slonskis
- Attractive: Um...all my friends are pretty sexy
- Smart: tom koegel...
- Moody: lauren
- Healthy: jackie
- Difficult: lauren
- Buffed: jason
- Bored easily: i dunno
- Drunk: claire
- Responsible: i dunno
- Obsessive: um...i can't say that.
- Happy: brenda
- Hyper: nikki (lack of sleep?)
- Cute: all of my friends
- Violent: me
- Unpredictable: father jack
- Drama: lauren
W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | t o . . .
- Slap: oh geeze...
- Get really wasted with: Brenda!
- Look like: Angelina Jolie
- Talk to face to face: my love
- Talk to indirectly (on the phone, online etc.): my love haha
R a n d o m . . .
- In the morning I look like: dead
All I need is: my car
- Flowers or candy: candy
i love these things!