Dec 12, 2009 01:11
I accidentally overdrew my account due to a formula error in my Excel budget sheet. That caused a domino effect of more checks bouncing, more charges being assessed and lowering my balance so that still *more* checks bounce - you probably get the picture. I have been charged $105 in the past two days, called the bank to see if they would reverse any of them (no, they won't). Now tonight my online banking account shows *2 more* overdraft charges pending! This is so ridiculous. Apparently there is no legal limit on the number of overdraft charges a bank can assess in one day. My one mistake is going to cost me $165 that I definitely do *NOT* have laying around. That is pretty much my grocery money for the next 10 days.
So, do you hate banks now too? I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Okay, rant over. Thanks for listening.